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Ali Khan

Presentata In California La International Swimming League (ISL)

A cura di Golden Medal Mel Stewart. Tradotto dall’inglese. Puoi leggere l’articolo in lingua originale qui La International Swimming League (ISL)…

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International Swimming League Presents At The 2018 ASCA World Clinic

Hear from Apostolos Tsagkarakis, ISL Technical Director. Over the next week, SwimSwam will release more videos providing depth on ISL’s mission.

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International Swimming League-2 Milioni Investiti Per L’Evento 2018

La Lega Internazionale del Nuoto (ISL – International Swimming League) è una nuova competizione, creata per rafforzare la crescente popolarità del…

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International Swimming League 2018 Event To Launch With $2.1 million In Prize and Appearance Money

The inaugural International Swimming League event is set to take place in December with a total fund of $2.1 million dollars (US) in prize and appearance money. The ISL event will not clash with the FINA World Short Course championships, being held on December 11-16, 2018.