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SwimSwam Pulse: Voters Pick Cal Men #1 By 5% Of Votes

SwimSwam Pulse is a recurring feature tracking and analyzing the results of our periodic A3 Performance Polls. You can cast your vote in our newest poll on the SwimSwam homepage, about halfway down the page on the right side, or you can find the poll embedded at the bottom of this post.

Our most recent poll asked SwimSwam readers who should sit #1 in our pre-conference men’s Power Ranks:


Question: Who should be #1 in our men’s Power Ranks?

  • Cal – 43.8%
  • Texas – 38.7%
  • NC State – 7.2%
  • Indiana – 7.0%
  • Other – 3.4%

43.8% of SwimSwam voters picked the Cal men as the #1 team in the nation compared to just 38.7% for four-time defending champs Texas.

Those two teams ran away with the top two spots. We actually went the opposite way in our official Power Rankings, keeping Texas at #1. That ranking, though, was as close as can be, with Cal earning 2 of 5 first-place votes and Texas taking the other three.

NC State (our #4 team) just edged out Indiana in our poll, earning 0.2% more of the votes. Teams outside of the four listed got just about three-and-a-half percent of the votes.


Below, vote in our new A3 Performance Pollwhich asks voters which of next week’s conference meets is most exciting to them:

Which week 1 major conference meet are you most excited for?

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A3 Performance is an independently-owned, performance swimwear company built on a passion for swimming, athletes, and athletic performance. We encourage swimmers to swim better and faster at all ages and levels, from beginners to Olympians.  Driven by a genuine leader and devoted staff that are passionate about swimming and service, A3 Performance strives to inspire and enrich the sport of swimming with innovative and impactful products that motivate swimmers to be their very best – an A3 Performer.

The A3 Performance Poll is courtesy of A3 Performance, a SwimSwam partner

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About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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