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SwimSwam Breakdown: Australian Champs, Mare Nostrum, and Olympic Trials Cuts

This week on the SwimSwam Breakdown, we discussed the Australian championships, the Mare Nostrum stop in Monaco and the 2024 Olympic Trials Cuts. See below for full list of topics:

  • Ariarne Titmus world record – Will she go faster at Commonwealths? Does this make Ledecky’s 800/1500 WRs seem more attainable?
  • Zac Stubblety-Cook WR – Will ZSC take it out fast at worlds? or use back-end speed like he has been?
  • Women’s freestyle depth – what would it mean for Shayna Jack’s legacy to win 4+ gold medals?
  • Chalmers/Simpson – For once, SwimSwam is not the bad guy! What is Cody Simpson‘s ceiling for Commonwealths?
  • Patrick Callan goes to Cal – Will Cal defend their title next year?
  • Kaylee McKeown swims the 400 IM at World Champs
  • Catie DeLoof in Loughborough – will we see her make an international team before Olympics after missing trials?
  • USA Releases 2024 Olympic Trials standards – Too Fast, Just Right, or Too Slow?

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2 years ago

Will only comment on a few items

Chalmers/Simpson: AUS media can be fairly feral; and this was red meat. You have, however, overlooked the social media side where the Cody fans (for whom the most part ignore the facts of the issue) also went feral. Thankfully it’s now yesterday’s news.

I completely concur with your read of the Shayna Jack situation as regards culpability and that the AUS broadcasters of these Trials were engaging in whitewashing. The reality is that she WILL, most likely, face international scrutiny when they get to Budapest. How she handles that and will it impact her performance can only be conjecture at this point.

Where I DO think you guys are wrong is touting her… Read more Β»

Awsi Dooger
2 years ago

I’m glad I have no idea what this Simpson guy is known for out of the pool. He’s third place.

Reply to  Awsi Dooger
2 years ago

He is a singer (pop singer) who once dated Miley Sirus.

Reply to  Robbos
2 years ago

You’re obviously a fan of Miley Sirus.

Reply to  Troyy
2 years ago

I have 2 daughters who grew up watching Hannah Montana, so would not say a fan, more had to, so I could communicate with my daughters.

Last edited 2 years ago by Robbos
2 years ago

I think you butchered “Nagy” like no one before πŸ™‚

Steve Nolan
2 years ago

Braden nailing it on two points in a row – international sport is almost wholly about nationalism and the Simpson/Chalmers thing is absolutely great “entertainment.”

I did legitimately get huffy at Titmus pointing out the Aussie 200 freestylers in comparison to the US’s and I want to see Ledecky just demolish her every time they race from now and forever because of it. Because nationalism! (I can say this place sucks, but you cannot!!)

And same thing on the storyline aspect of sports – it’s the absolute #1 reason why I could just never care about the ISL. It’s all the best swimmers in the world, swimming fast against each other but…I just don’t care. There’s no draw,… Read more Β»

Reply to  Steve Nolan
2 years ago

I love a good bit of swimming drama. But media inventing stories about people’s personal life in order to question their character and spark social media attack is vile.

Steve Nolan
Reply to  jamesjabc
2 years ago

Oh for sure, that was just some dumb tabloid stuff. The specifics of that story isn’t exactly what I’d want to make storylines out of, but actual things like that would spice things up. (I thought it was pretty funny in a ridiculous way, but I don’t think many agree with me.)

Reply to  Steve Nolan
2 years ago

Oh Steve, cry about it. Titmus will annihilate Ledecky in the 200 and 400 the next time they race. You’ll be so pissed mate

Reply to  Steve Nolan
2 years ago

You’re such a snowflake

You regularly made fun of Aussie swimmers, but got so sensitive when Titmus is stating the Truth.


2 years ago

Peanut Gallery:
Zac-I guess he can play around with going out faster but fine line that it will probably cost him more coming home. I think before Kitajima, no one had won the Olympics in both 100 and 200 breasts. It is something like that. Remember some people can excel in 2fly but aren’t great in the 100!! Most people physical better suited for one over the other.

Chalmers vs Simpson- The athletes are much less dramatic about this rivalry than the fans. If wanted to make the Worlds team, he should have gone faster!

There was Sarah Sjostrom on the girls side and no one else. It should get much better at the last two stops.… Read more Β»

Reply to  Ghost
2 years ago

Agree with most but another distance event is good and 50s swimmers are putting in the same work, just in a different way. Most likely more time in the gym and high intensity workouts, which is still putting in the work.

Reply to  Ghost
2 years ago

I do not agree your comment on fly. Milak, Phelps they are excellent on 100 and 200 fly but also LeClos, Cseh…The only exception is Dressel who can only swim the 100 on an exceptional level but not the 200.

Reply to  Swimmka
2 years ago

Of course there are swimmers that can do both but some swimmers excel more in one than the other! Zac excels in 200 and trying to make him a 100 guy (especially for their relays) may hurt his 200?!? It isn’t cut and dry

Reply to  Swimmka
2 years ago

Don’t forget that Dressel has only swam the 200 fly a few times and went a 1:56.2 at a no-stakes meet. We’ve never seen him swim a tapered 2fly. I’d argue it’s likely considerably better than his 2free.

Reply to  Ghost
2 years ago

I agree. I didn’t want the M800 or W1500 added to the Olympics and I certainly don’t want the stroke 50s. Swimming already has the most medals of any sport. It doesn’t need more.

Last edited 2 years ago by jamesjabc
Reply to  jamesjabc
2 years ago

Agree entirely. The degree of overlap in the 400/800/1500 is huge when you look at the all-time best performers and the form stroke 50″s have always looked Mickey Mouse.

2 years ago

Fratus too soft, can’t handle criticism. He looked shaved based on the IG fotos (including the legs).

One comment from Braden made him too nervous haha. I hope Dressel, Proud and Andrew/Liendo keep him off the podium.

Caeleb Remel Cultist
2 years ago

Loool, that Bruno got mad about what Braden said about him and lost his sleep for 2 weeks just to prove him a wrong and make a salty video online like that. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Like Braden said, instead of embracing the entertainment value of the sport, they get mad about a single sentence said about them.

, Keep doing you Braden, heβ€˜s too sensitive. He canβ€˜t accept the fact that Ben Proud and Caeleb Dressel are better than him.

Reply to  Caeleb Remel Cultist
2 years ago

What happened with Bruno?

Reply to  Troyy
2 years ago

He posted a video on IG of Braden predicting him not going 21.4 anymore in this point of his career.

On that note, Brett Hawke’s comment… Interesting.

Reply to  Calvin
2 years ago

Hawke is an absolute joke and a known Swimswam hater. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
He’s trying to stay relevant in 2022.

Reply to  Swimfan
2 years ago

Apparently Brett blames swimswam for him getting fired. Anyone who knows Brett isn’t surprised to learn that he struggles to take responsibility for his own actions.

I laughed when I saw him do a podcast with Garrett or Mel and try to proclaim that he doesn’t have time for grudges, when he clearly still holds a grudge.

Sucks that he’s dragging Bruno into his hole of misery with him. Brett burns every bridge he touches. Don’t get too close or he’ll burn you too.

Reply to  Caeleb Remel Cultist
2 years ago


2 years ago

Kaylee has already decided to swim, in addition to her usual 100/200 back, the 400 IM at CWGs and the 200 IM at WCs.

Reply to  Troyy
2 years ago

Braden thinks Kaylee will win 400im because Summer Mcintosh is 15 and unproven.Well I think 4 :29 is pretty good for a 15 year old, and at 15 can she get better?, well I think thats very probable.Small meet…she went to the Olympics and swam great after just turning 15.The race will be decided in the pool but to belittle Summer,s accomplishments is sad.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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