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Swim England: Pool Re-Opening Details In The Works

Nations around the world are slowly starting the planning process for opening back up public spaces with the flattening of the coronavirus curve. Per Johns Hopkins University data as of April 29th, the hardest-hit nations of the United States, Italy, and the United Kingdom are all currently experiencing a decrease in new coronavirus cases confirmed each day for a 5-day period. (JH)

Translating this to swimming facilities, we previously reported how Hungary and Italy are making a tempered return, with the former’s ban expiring on April 27th, while the latter’s national athletes are set to resume training on May 4th. Both nations are implementing special safety procedures upon reopening.

In this vein, Swim England has announced it is developing detailed recommendations for operators, clubs, swim schools, and stakeholders regarding how more than 4,000 of the country’s swimming pools will re-open. Although no definitive date has been revealed, the organization expects that it would take approximately 3 weeks’ notice for the industry to get pools ready for use again.

Richard Lamburn, Swim England Head of Facilities, said, “We’ve been in discussions with government departments and provided initial guidance on the re-opening of swimming pools.

“The science and understanding of Covid-19 in the swimming pool environment is evolving every day and we are continuing to monitor and support research in this area in cooperation with international partners.

“We will be developing our guidance in line with scientific research and alongside the information from the Government on the national exit of lockdown.

“The exit strategy will have a significant impact on how the sector can operate and until these exact details are known, we won’t be issuing any detailed advice.

“However, we are working hard to ensure that the information is in place ready for when the Government announces the easing of the measures.”

Richard added, “We have been in regular communication with key stakeholders regarding the impact on facilities and have also been sharing knowledge and information with Sport England, Swim Ireland, Scottish Swimming, and Swim Wales.

“A lot of pools have never closed before so we’ve been providing the guidance and support needed to local authorities and operators to ensure they were safely shut down and maintained.”

Quotes courtesy of Swim England.

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Syed Shakeel Haider
4 years ago

I need job swimming pool operator

Jim Hartman
4 years ago

Hallelujah! The last time I made it to a pool was March 13. There were 2 other swimmers and a lifeguard on a high chair. The other swimmers chatted, which would not be safe, while I did laps. I was alone in the shower. Even if the virus lurks in the air, it’s hard to see how an infectious dose would be available, considering that a 6-foot distance from an infected person is generally recognized as safe.

4 years ago

A pool is about the safest place you can be. Open it up!!

Reply to  David
4 years ago

In my opinion, I would have to disagree with David …. Anyone with any respiratory issues would most likely be also be in disagreement… and have their been any studies to see how this Covid-19 reacts in warm humid environments such as aquatic facilities that mostly have less than ideal HPAC air circulation systems … Just a thought ????

Reply to  David
4 years ago

Maybe while in and under the water it is but the wall is not the safest place to be!

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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