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Summer League In A Box: The One-Stop Shop For All Your Summer League Needs

Courtesy of Summer League Swimming, a SwimSwam partner.

Hoping to start a summer league and not sure where to start? Look no further than Summer League Swimming’s (SLS) Summer League in a Box, the all-in-one resource that provides everything you need to either get a league up and running or rescue a failing one.

With Summer League in a Box, you’ll get access to all of the benefits of our Safer Summer Program, plus some of the ins and outs that will help you launch your league smoothly and efficiently.

In addition to our coaching certification courses, advanced-level background checks and comprehensive insurance, Summer League in a Box provides you with:

  • The SLS Risk Management program that includes identifying the grooming process. Grooming is the first stage that a child predator will use to develop a relationship with a minor.
  • The SLS Rulebook and Guide to running a successful meet and swim season
  • Swimtopia software to create a team website, register swimmers, manage volunteers, and run your meets
  • Onboarding and training for Team Reps, Officials, and Judges
  • Countdown timeline from your first league meeting, through registration, until your final dual meet
  • Ribbons and Awards for all of your dual meets
  • The hiring of a league coordinator in your region to work side by side with SLS to help organize and manage your teams and meets

SLS’s three core programs provide existing leagues with all of the aspects required to run a safer summer league or team, and Summer League in a Box takes it to the next level by providing start-up leagues with the resources you didn’t know you needed to provide your swimmers with the best possible experience.


Reach out to Summer League Swimming and let’s discuss what you need to start or rescue a swimming league/team—no matter where in the United States you’re located. Contact us today.


About Summer League Swimming

Summer League Swimming is the only organization with a comprehensive youth protection program to serve 3-4 million summer league and recreational swimmers, and our decades of experience provides unmatched quality.

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About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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