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Slovakia’s 27x National Champion With 40 Slovak Records Is Only 12

On 26th of September 2015 swimmers aged 9 to 12 met from 32 Slovak swimming clubs in Slovak city Trencin. Here is a quick run down of the youngsters at the 4th round of the Slovak Cup.

Sabina Kupcova took part in this competition. She is 12 and swims for the club Aquasport Levice. Five years ago Sabina couldn’t even swim. She started with swimming because of parent’s suggestion – she was very tall for her age and swimming should have helped her to prevent problems with spine.

Her swimming career is quite short but despite of that, she has already become Slovak Champion 27 times and has achieved 40 Slovak records. On different competitions she has won 226 medals altogether.  Butterfly, free, style and backstroke suit her the best from swimming styles.

Sabina considers a big achievement also her participation on International Swimming Meeting (ISM) in Berlin on the beginning of 2015. In tough international competition she managed to succeed and she was leaving with seven gold and one silver medals.

But not just medals make her happy. For twenty seven years Slovak Olympian Martina Moravcova has been holding the record of 28,92s in 50m freestyle in category of 11 years old girls. This record from January 1987 Sabina managed to break on Slovak Championships in December 2014. She improved Martina’s record by 44 hundredths of a second in time of 28,48s.

To the swimming competition in Trencin she arrived not just with other swimmers from her club but also with her parents, Anna and Peter. They support her in swimming in every way possible.

And what can be said about the result?

She broke two new records in category of 12 years old girls. In the 100m backstroke she swam one record in time of 1:07.65. The second record was in the 200m freestyle in time of 2:11.87.

And similarly to the record of Martina Moravcova this was 14 years old record, which Sabina managed to overcome. It was hold by Denisa Smolenova in time of 2:12.73.

Sabina is a big talent and we believe that we will definitely hear more about her in the future.

Sabina Kupcova

SwimSwam’s Peter Sukenik contributed to this report. 

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9 years ago

Gratulujeme a tešíme sa s vami! Sabínka len tak ďalej, lám rekordy a rozdávaj rodosť okolo seba, hlavne nech Ti to vydrží čo najdlhšie 🙂

Petra Kardhordóová
9 years ago


Erika Obrocnikova
9 years ago

We are very pleased of your success.

Palo Chmelo
9 years ago

for you Sabina, just keep swimming and You may beat all your rivals …greeting from Hronske Klacany 🙂

Gejza Dikácz
9 years ago

Gratulujeme Sabi ale aj rodičom!

Michaela Barteková
9 years ago


Adriana Horvathova
9 years ago

Sabi si uzasna bojovnicka, gratulejeme!!! Drzime palce, zelame vela zdravia a konecne uz nejakych sponzorov!!!

Milos Kupca
9 years ago

Well done Sabinka,we’re so proud of you

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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