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Security Guard Found Dead Overnight in South Africa Champs Pool

A security guard was found dead in the Newton Park swimming pool on Monday morning. Newton Park is the same pool where the South Africa Swimming Championships are being held this week.

Authorities are still investigating what happened and have not released many details, but the security guard’s employer says that he was declared dead on the premises. The body was removed around 5AM local time. Two security guards were left on duty when the rest of the staff left the pool and closed up around 9PM the night before.

Police are saying that preliminary investigations indicate he died of natural causes.

“We can confirm that sadly the lifeless body of a private security guard was found in the pool,” municipal spokesperson Kupido Baron said.

Reports from the meet say that security had a scuffle with individuals who attempted to steal cars from the parking lot of the pool on Sunday. Comments by police that they believe the death came from natural causes indicate that they don’t think that the two events are related, however.

The South African Swimming Championships began on Wednesday and are scheduled to conclude on Monday.


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2 years ago


Ol' Longhorn
2 years ago

“natural causes”…. but in a pool.

That Guy
2 years ago

Yeah imagine my swimmer’s happiness when they read this on SwimSwam after their swims! A little shell shocked and unhappy to say the least!
Clearly a conscious decision by the organizers not to inform anyone until the day is done!

2 years ago

And the meet is continuing like nothing happened

The unoriginal Tim
Reply to  SAswimmer
2 years ago

Really? Not doing any forensics? Not even paying any repsects. Guess he was a black guy.

Reply to  The unoriginal Tim
2 years ago

Lol? U know nothing of south africa. This isnt 1980 anymore only blacks are in power now.

Reply to  The unoriginal Tim
2 years ago

Why isn’t there an option to delete comments?

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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