We call it “race video” for a reason.
We have spent 13 years studying what college coaches look for in determining talent on a video. We point out your strengths to the coaches.
You don’t have to win or even go a best time or have perfect strokes, starts or turns, but you do have to RACE. Coaches want to see you race.
If your swim club or high school coach has time you might ask him/her to offer some comments for you to send to the college coaches.
Most coaches want to see what you look like when you compete and many of them no longer have the recruiting budgets to get to a lot of club and high school meets. Many of them just don’t have the time.
Height and weight
We have spent many years gathering information on what each coach’s priority is when determining if they want to recruit a swimmer.
Of course everyone is looking for tall, but some coaches place a higher priority on height than others.
Weight is dependent on height to a certain extent. If one of our swimmers has an apparent height to weight ratio on paper that might suggest a certain body type, we make sure they get a race video of the swimmer standing on the starting blocks.
For example: if a swimmer has a height to weight ratio of 6’3” and weighs 150lbs, on paper this might suggest the he has a small frame. It is important to show the coaches that the swimmer has plenty of room to add muscle.