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Bildergalerie: Top Schwimmer in Szene gesetzt von Mike Lewis

Sportfotografie ist eine Kunst für sich – in Schwimmhallen zu fotografieren ist besonders schwierig, in jeder Halle ist die Ausleuchtung anders, manche Hallen haben Glasfronten an einer Seite, so dass die Lichtverhälnisse dann noch von Bahn zu Bahn wechseln. Einen Blitz darf man während der Wettbewerbe verständlicherweise nicht benutzen. Und dann ist meist ein Großteil der Körper der Athleten sowieso unter Wasser. Und sie bewegen sich nicht gerade langsam. Von 500 Fotos, die ein Profifotograf mit Profiausrüstung bei einem Wettkampf macht, sind vielleicht so 30 Fotos brauchbar. Der US Amerikaner Mike Lewis ist einer der Fotografen, die für SwimSwam arbeiten. Und seine Foto sind hervorragend – er fotografiert bei allen wichtigen Wettkämpfen weltweit. Hier einige der weltbesten Schwimmer fotografiert von einem tollen Fotografen – Mike Lewis.


Michael Phelps final of the 200 fly (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Michael Phelps final of the 200 fly (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)



Katinka Hosszu by Mike Lewis

Katinka Hosszu by Mike Lewis



Ryan Lochte by Mike Lewis Mesa

Ryan Lochte, Mesa Pro Swim, Photo: Mike Lewis



Go bears. Missy Franklin (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Go bears. Missy Franklin (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)



Nathan Adrian 50 free prelims Santa Clara Pro Swim (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Nathan Adrian 50 free prelims Santa Clara Pro Swim (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)


Jessica Hardy in the finals of the 100 breast (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Jessica Hardy in the finals of the 100 breast (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)


Laszlo Cseh at the 2015 Duel in the Pool (photo: Mike Lewis)

Laszlo Cseh at the 2015 Duel in the Pool (photo: Mike Lewis)


Allison Schmitt having a bit of fun in warm up at the Orlando Pro Swim Series (photo: Mike Lewis)

Allison Schmitt having a bit of fun in warm up at the Orlando Pro Swim Series (photo: Mike Lewis)


Matt Grevers prelims 100 backstrokee Ausin Texas (photo: Mike Lewis)

Matt Grevers prelims 100 backstrokee Ausin Texas (photo: Mike Lewis)


Katie Ledecky off the blocks in the 400 free in Mesa, Arizona (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Katie Ledecky off the blocks in the 400 free in Mesa, Arizona (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)


Florent Manaudou in the semi finals at at the 2015 FINA world championships Kazan Russia (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Florent Manaudou in the semi finals at at the 2015 FINA world championships Kazan Russia (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Natalie Coughlin (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Natalie Coughlin (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)


Chad Le Clos in the prelims of the 50 fly at at the 2015 FINA world championships Kazan Russia (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Chad Le Clos in the prelims of the 50 fly at at the 2015 FINA world championships Kazan Russia (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)


Sarah Sjöström wins the 100 free at the Arena Pro Swim Series in Austin

Sarah Sjöström wins the 100 free at the Arena Pro Swim Series in Austin


swim photography

I did a shoot with FINIS at the Orinda Country Club last winter. The day started out a little chilly but once we were ready to get in the water is was a beautiful NorCal day. I thought it’d be a cool shot to get Anthony Ervin off the blocks with the trees and clouds behind him. (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)



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About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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