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Projected vs. Actual: Day 3 Score Update at 2021 NCAA D1 Men’s Championships


  • When: Wednesday, March 24 – Saturday, March 27, 2021
  • Where: Greensboro Aquatic Center / Greensboro, NC (Eastern Time Zone)
  • Prelims 10 AM/ Finals 6 PM (Local Time)
  • Short course yards (SCY) format
  • Defending champion: Cal (1x) – 2019 results
  • Streaming: ESPN3
  • Championship Central
  • Psych Sheets
  • Live Results

Data provided by SwimSwam’s Barry Revzin.

After three days of swimming and diving, Texas and Cal are still locked in a battle for the NCAA title and it looks like it could come down to the final relay.

The secrets to Texas’ rocket-to-the-top performance on Day 2 –diving and the 400 medley– weren’t as forceful on Day 3 relay, allowing Cal to stay in the game. Texas scored just 23 points in 3-meter diving on Friday versus the 38 they’d racked up on Thursday.

Texas, Cal, and Florida, the top three teams, outscored the psych sheet by 58.5, 43, and 10.5 points respectively. Texas placed four swimmers in the A final of the 400 IM, three in the 200 free, and one each in the 100 fly, 100 breast, and 100 back. Cal had a huge miss when Hugo Gonzalez missed the A final of the 400 IM in prelims. His winning time in the B final was the fastest of the night, and his presence in the A final would have eliminated one of the Texas swimmers. Florida won two individual events (400 IM and 200 free), upsetting Texas’ #1 seeds in both events.

Virginia Tech and Michigan underperformed their psych sheet seedings by 32.5 and 28 points, respectively. Georgia, Louisville, Texas A&M, NC State, and Ohio State all had double-digit misses today.

Current Team Scores (After 200 Medley Relay)

  1. Texas 414
  2. California 372
  3. Florida 282
  4. Georgia 198
  5. Indiana 158
  6. Louisville 150
  7. Texas A&M 127
  8. NC State 120
  9. Ohio St 108
  10. Virginia 102
  11. Michigan 100
  12. Missouri 67
  13. Arizona 66
  14. Virginia Tech 60
  15. Stanford 58
  16. Alabama 53
  17. LSU 52
  18. Tennessee / Miami 38
  19. tie
  20. UNC / Purdue 31
  21. tie
  22. Georgia Tech 29
  23. Florida St 24.5
  24. Pittsburgh 23
  25. Minnesota 20
  26. Notre Dame / USC 15
  27. tie
  28. Penn St 13
  29. Wisconsin 10
  30. Kentucky 9
  31. Utah 6.5

Day 3 Psych Sheet vs Day 3 Actual

School Day 3 Psych3 Day 3 Finals3 Day 3 Delta
Texas 129.5 188 58.5
California 99 142 43
Florida 97.5 108 10.5
Georgia 85 70 -15
Louisville 92 80 -12
Indiana 58.5 60 1.5
NC State 29 19 -10
Texas A&M 57 44 -13
Michigan 79 51 -28
Ohio St 75 57 -18
Virginia 20 32 12
Alabama 30 28 -2
Virginia Tech 50.5 18 -32.5
Missouri 15 25 10
Stanford 9 16 7
Arizona 15 15 0
Georgia Tech 27 29 2
LSU 6 13 7
Purdue 10 12 2
Tennessee 15 12 -3
Miami 0 0 0
Minnesota 20 20 0
Notre Dame 12 6 -6
Pittsburgh 11 11 0
Florida St 5 5 0
UNC 2 1 -1
Southern Cali 19 15 -4
Wisconsin 2 3 1
Penn St 11 5 -6
Kentucky 0 0 0
Utah 0 0 0
Cincinnati 0 0 0
Auburn 0 0 0
Northwestern 1 0 -1
Iowa 3 0 -3

Day 3 Finals vs. Day 3 Prelims

School Day 3 Prelims Day 3 Finals3 Day 3 Delta
Texas 198 188 -10
California 136 142 6
Florida 99 108 9
Georgia 70 70 0
Louisville 77 80 3
Indiana 67 60 -7
NC State 20 19 -1
Texas A&M 50 44 -6
Michigan 46 51 5
Ohio St 57.5 57 -0.5
Virginia 36 32 -4
Alabama 27 28 1
Virginia Tech 22 18 -4
Missouri 17 25 8
Stanford 9 16 7
Arizona 13 15 2
Georgia Tech 24 29 5
LSU 13.5 13 -0.5
Purdue 11 12 1
Tennessee 13.5 12 -1.5
Miami 0 0 0
Minnesota 20 20 0
Notre Dame 9 6 -3
Pittsburgh 11 11 0
Florida St 5 5 0
UNC 3 1 -2
Southern Cali 14.5 15 0.5
Wisconsin 2 3 1
Penn St 5 5 0
Kentucky 0 0 0
Utah 0 0 0
Cincinnati 0 0 0
Auburn 0 0 0
Northwestern 9 0 -9
Iowa 0 0 0

Day 3 Data

School D1 Finals D2 Finals D3 Psych D3 Prelims D3 Finals D4 Psych D1,D2,D3 Score Diving Projected Score
Texas 40 125 129.5 198 188 130.5 414 61 572.5
California 34 196 99 136 142 165.5 372 0 569.5
Florida 30 131 97.5 99 108 67.5 282 9 379.5
Georgia 26 90 85 70 70 98 198 0 308
Louisville 22 42 92 77 80 89 150 0 273
Indiana 18 51 58.5 67 60 52 158 35 228
NC State 28 59 29 20 19 63.5 120 0 183.5
Texas A&M 32 56 57 50 44 29 127 0 179
Michigan 12 51 79 46 51 38 100 0 178
Ohio St 6 6 75 57.5 57 44 108 35 178
Virginia 8 48 20 36 32 36 102 0 146
Alabama 0 38 30 27 28 60 53 0 136
Virginia Tech 14 25 50.5 22 18 41.5 60 0 106.5
Missouri 4 36 15 17 25 13 67 2 80
Stanford 24 7 9 9 16 17 58 11 75
Arizona 10 41 15 13 15 8 66 0 74
Georgia Tech 0 14 27 24 29 26 29 0 69
LSU 0 7 6 13.5 13 15 52 32 67
Purdue 0 14 10 11 12 11.5 31 15 52.5
Tennessee 0 0 15 13.5 12 9 38 26 49
Miami 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 38 38
Minnesota 0 0 20 20 20 17 20 0 37
Notre Dame 2 7 12 9 6 20 15 0 35
Pittsburgh 0 12 11 11 11 12 23 0 35
Florida St 0 19 5 5 5 4 25 0 34
UNC 0 0 2 3 1 0 31 30 31
Southern Cali 0 0 19 14.5 15 11 15 0 26
Wisconsin 0 0 2 2 3 4 10 7 14
Penn St 0 8 11 5 5 0 13 0 13
Kentucky 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 9 11
Utah 0 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 6
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Northwestern 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0
Iowa 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0


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Former auburn fan
4 years ago

Where’s auburn? Oh wait Gary destroyed the team

Former Big10
Reply to  Former auburn fan
4 years ago

Don’t you mean Hawke? Auburn was a dumpster fire long before Gary got there.

Former auburn fan
Reply to  Former Big10
4 years ago

Brett won a national title in his first year? Even if you take the great year the women had last year what happened now? Gary is gonna be scoreless because he is so toxic to swimmers

4 years ago

do those final projected scores include diving?

Reply to  Backstrokebro
4 years ago

It does not look like it does. So most likely add at least 20 points for Texas there.

Foreign Embassy
4 years ago

Again diving is a separate sport and should be separated 😩

Foreign Embassy
Reply to  Foreign Embassy
4 years ago

Or make divers one full spot AND they have to swim on a relay 😂

Reply to  Foreign Embassy
4 years ago

hahahahaha that would be hilarious. Imagine a team placing a relay in an A final only to tank it by putting divers on it.

Former Big10
Reply to  Foreign Embassy
4 years ago

Again, Eddie wins because he has a complete Swimming AND Diving Team. Which is what the competition calls for. You’d think Dave, and other’s, would’ve gotten the hint by now: YOU NEED DIVER’s to win the meet

4 years ago

572.5 to 569.5? Absolutely ridiculous in at least 4 different ways.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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