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Practice + Pancakes: Western Hills Athletic Club with Ian Crocker & Jimmy Bynum

SwimSwam wants to give you an inside look at what a normal day-in-the-life looks like for any given swimmer, and how that differs from team to team or city to city. We send our head of production, Coleman Hodges, to be a fly on the wall at practice, then relay what he discovered back to you over pancakes. Or at least breakfast.

I went to visit Ian and Jimmy over at the Western Hills Aquatic Club in Austin recently (if you didn’t see Ian and I’s carpool, check it out here). There are a plethora of reasons why I enjoyed visiting this club, the first of which is it’s location. Normally the club practices at the Western Hills Aquatic Club facility, but seeing as that is currently under construction, the club has been utilizing another outdoor venue in Austin. To me, outdoors is outdoors, and I love everything about swimming outside.

The second thing I liked about Ian and Jimmy’s workout was all of the different activities they had in a single practice. These included: Dolphin Endurance Surface Recovery (DESR), El Fino, Sub Club, Parachuting like you’ve never seen before, and The Egg Drill. All of these things and more are explained in detail in the video, so sit back and enjoy!

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7 years ago

Technically, The Egg Drill should be called The Rotten Egg Drill, since only rotten eggs float. Fresh eggs sink.

Daniel Wu
7 years ago

Great to see both great coaches!

Shelly Aunspaugh
7 years ago

Awesome coaches who care about their kids and are truly kind and humble!

Sam Kendricks
7 years ago

Good to Jimmy and Ian! Howdy guys! Keep up the good work!

7 years ago

Welp, I’m stealing a lot of this.

7 years ago

This is GREAT!

7 years ago

Who has eaten Ian?

7 years ago

Is this an age-grouper practice?

Reply to  swimming
7 years ago

it looked like it

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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