SwimSwam wants to give you an inside look at what a normal day-in-the-life looks like for any given swimmer, and how that differs from team to team or city to city. We send our head of production, Coleman Hodges, to be a fly on the wall at practice, then relay what he discovered back to you over pancakes. Or at least breakfast.
I finally got to go film a practice! I know, COVID times are weird. And I can’t say I’ve been trying my hardest to get out into the world and see what pancakes everyone has to offer. But when there’s a local team that says come on down, I feel like that’s an appropriate trip outside the house.
Following all guidelines for Travis and Williamson County (Austin area), I took a trip up the road to Waterloo Swimming (the club that a lot of the Texas swimmers were training this summer that ISN’T Austin Swim Club, this place). They were getting ready for a meet that week and on this particular Tuesday morning had a few pretty dynamic resistance stations going.
u gotta do practice and pancakes at rocoa rockets
Coleman got a better Camera! Let’s go!!! Keep it up!
I never thought pancakes could taste so good… and I didn’t even order pancakes
I’m sorry you didn’t have pancakes?
Coleman, I need to see you in my office at 10AM.
You’re fired