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Practice + Pancakes: SMU Men Get Innovative with Parachute Power

SwimSwam wants to give you an inside look at what a normal day-in-the-life looks like for any given swimmer, and how that differs from team to team or city to city. We send our head of production, Coleman Hodges, to be a fly on the wall at practice, then relay what he discovered back to you over pancakes. Or at least breakfast.

Like I said last time, I took a visit to SMU. If you didn’t see the women’s practice, check it out here. If you didn’t see my Carpool with the coaching staff, it’s right here. But enough about that. This is the men’s practice.

There were 3 workouts going on this day. I was able to get snippets of all 3.

Mitch’s sprinters were doing some pretty fun stuff with parachutes. They would go 3×25 where  each 25 you wold get less and less resistance. The first 25, you’d have a parachute and a partner wold be holding it for about 10 yards, then they would let go and you would blast the rest of the 25. On #2, they would swim a 25 normally with the parachute. On #3, they would take the chute off and go a 25 fast. Then they would hop out and go a 25 off the blocks, with video recording so they could watch themselves after.

Eddie’s guys were doing a pretty stock pace set. 4 rounds where you’ve got 3×25 descend upfront, followed by 2×50 @ :50 at 200 pace. That was followed by a little EZ swimming, and finished with a 25 how they want to finish their race. So essentially 4 rounds of a broken 200 at pace.

Back to Mitch’s side of the pool, he had his more distance oriented guys going 5 rounds of 75 pink, 100 AFAP (as fast as possible), 325 EZ, then do it all again. So while a lot of the other groups you can see a start to the comedown for conference (similar to the women’s group), not as much of a comedown with these guys.

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7 years ago

Is this at their new pool?

7 years ago

come to UCSD with Marsh

7 years ago

Great video, but I can’t help but be bothered by the one last 100 guy’s awful breaths off the wall

Quick Stop Watch
Reply to  swimming
7 years ago

and the fact that he calls out 49.9 when he was about a 51!

Reply to  Quick Stop Watch
7 years ago

not sure why there are so many down votes, I timed it and even give or take a second it is not a 49.9

Yousef Fan
Reply to  swimming
7 years ago

Try pacing 51s 50s and 49s in multiple 100s.

Reply to  Yousef Fan
7 years ago

Not arguing the difficulty of holding that type of pace but there is a right way and a wrong way to breath off the walls and he was absolutely doing it the wrong way. He killed his speed on every breakout and you could see that in the video

7 years ago

I see you Gomez! Putting in some work out there!

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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