Storied Coach Fred Vergnoux Leaves Belgium For Antibes, France
Storied coach Fred Vergnoux has left his post as national head coach of Belgium and is now in France at the Antibes Club.
Providence College Receives Verbal From Futures Qualifier Ally Pfeiffer (2024)
Ally Pfeiffer of Easterchester, New York has announced her verbal commitment to swim and study at Providence College starting in the fall of 2024.
William Jost Leads Parkway Central To 2nd Straight Missouri HS State Title (Class 1)
In addition to contributing to two relay wins, William Jost collected victories in the 50 (20.12) and 100 freestyle (43.97).
UNC Asheville Women, NJIT Men Sweep Quad Meet With VMI, UMBC & Howard
The NJIT men went a perfect 3-0 in its road quad meet Saturday evening, defeating Virginia Military Institute (177-122), UMBC (208-89) and Howard (203-95).
College Swimming Weekly Preview: November 15 – November 21
The defending NCAA Champions will travel to Tennessee this week for mid-season. See the full list of NCAA Division I meets here.
Convocati 32 Atleti In Nazionale Per Gli Europei In Vasca Corta 2023
La Federazione Italiana Nuoto ha rivelato una formazione di 30 atleti per l’evento, suddivisa equamente in 15 femmine e 15 maschi.
2023 ISCA Open @Liberty U is Now an NCAA-Approved Qualifying Meet
The NCAA has approved the ISCA Open, an overflow for the US Open, as an NCAA Championship qualifying meet, in spite of mixing collegiate and pro swimmers.
Campionati Tedeschi In Vasca Corta: Iscritti Wellbrock, Gose E le Clos
I Campionati tedeschi di nuoto in vasca corta del 2023 prenderanno il via giovedì. Rappresentano l’evento qualificante per gli Europei
Italy Looks To Make Waves With 30-Strong Roster For European SC Championships
Olympic medalist Nicolo Martinenghi is among the 30-strong Italian roster named for next month’s European Short Course Championships.
Yuliya Efimova Ritornerà A Gareggiare Ai Campionati Russi In Vasca Corta
I Campionati russi in vasca corta 2023 inizieranno il 20 novembre con una nutrita schiera di stelle nazionali pronte a gareggiare
Princeton Women Retain Cannon Trophy With Home-Opening Win Over Rutgers
The Princeton women defeated Rutgers 191.5-108.5 at DeNuzio Pool, giving Abby Brethauer her first home win as the team’s head coach.
Wellbrock, Gose & Le Clos Headed To German SC Championships
Distance freestyle ace Florian Wellbrock is among those headed to the German Short Course Championships which begin on Thursday, November 16th.
Brown Women, Penn Men Earn Narrow Victories In Ivy League Split
Penn junior MattFallon claimed three victories while sophomore James Curreri had two, leading the Quakers to a 155-143 win.
Columbia Men Emerge Victorious Over Yale In Tightly-Contested Dual
The Lions welcomed Yale to New York City, and came out victorious in a tightly contested meet by a score of 158-140 to improve to 2-1 on the season.
Yale Women Cruise Past Columbia In Ivy League Opener
The Bulldogs defeated Columbia 201-99 in their Ivy League and home opener at Kiphuth Exhibition Pool.