A Candid Conversation with Griffith University’s Michael Bohl on Chasing Greatness
Michael Bohl has led Kaylee McKeown, Emma McKeon, and Stephanie Rice (among many, many others) to immense Olympic success.
Polémica por el Selectivo de aguas abiertas en Argentina
La Confederación Argentina de Deportes Acuáticos dio a conocer la fecha y sede del Selectivo de aguas abiertas rumbo a Doha 2024 y hubo quejas.
Rhinelander Sweeps Relays, Wins 3 Individuals en Route to WIAA DII Girls State Title
Rhinelander swept the relays on the day, which was huge in their effort to win the meet.
Maggie Wanezek Throws Down State Record 50.97 100 BK; Middleton Wins WIAA DI Girls Title
Middleton made history with the win, becoming the first team to claim the Division I title without winning an individual or relay event.
Kolesnikov Earns 2 Golds At Russian SC Championships To Take Over World Rankings
Kliment Kolesnikov earned 2 additional gold medals on day 4 of the 2023 Russian Short Course Championships, ranking #1 in the 100m IM and 50m back events.
Notre Dame Recruit Becky Rentz Shines as Aurora Rosary Roars to IHSA (IL) Girls State Title
After a 6th place finish at last year’s meet, where they scored just 92 points, Aurora Rosary came out on top this year with a score of 243.
Le Iniziative Della FIN Contro La Violenza Sulle Donne
La FIN ha aderito alla Giornata Internazionale per l’eliminazione della violenza contro le donne con una serie di iniziative
Aleksandr Stepanov Nuovo Record Russo Negli 800 Stile Libero
Il 19enne Alexandr Stepanov ha stabilito il nuovo record nazionale russo negli 800 metri stile libero maschili nel Day4 dei Campionati russi
19-Yr-Old Stepanov Produces SCM 800 Free Russian Record – 7:34.58
19-year-old Aleksandr Stepanov nailed a new Russian record in the men’s 800m free on day four of the nation’s Short Course Championships.
The Best Photos From The 2023 Swimming World Cup – Budapest
This photo gallery is courtesy of photographer Marcus Chen, who was on pool deck at the third and final leg of the 2023 World Cup in Budapest last month.
Sarah Sjostrom Convocata Per La Sua Quinta Olimpiade
Il Comitato Olimpico Svedese (SOK) ha nominato cinque nuotatori tra i primi 22 atleti che rappresenteranno il paese ai Giochi di Parigi 2024
Tennessee Commit Emily Brown, 15-Year-Old Austin Carpenter Highlight Ohio Senior Invite
Brown, 17, dropped just over three-tenths in the 100 fly, stopping the clock in 53.51, and knocked nearly two seconds off her PB in the 200 fly in 1:57.79.
Dressel, Ledecky, McIntosh In Gara Agli U.S. Open La Prossima Settimana
Sono state rese note le iscrizioni agli U.S. Open della prossima settimana e sono assolutamente ricche. Le iscrizioni più rilevanti
Sarah Sjostrom Named to Her 5th Swedish Olympic Team
30-year-old Sarah Sjostrom has been named to her 5th Olympic Team, one of 21 athletes pre-selected by Sweden for the Paris 2024 Games this week.
Cate Campbell “I Trials Del 2024 Saranno I Miei Ultimi”
Cate Campbell ha dichiarato che i Trials Australiani del 2024 per la qualifica alle Olimpiadi saranno i suoi ultimi Trials