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The Powerlist

FINIS Set of the Week: Cross Swim

Mix up your workout by adding in some land workouts into your swim!

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Rex Maurer, Top Recruit In Class of 2023, Announces Transfer to Texas

2023 top recruit Rex Maurer officially announced his transfer to the University of Texas today after spending one season at Stanford.


Santo Condorelli Ha Proposto Appello Per La Sua Eleggibilità A Partecipare Ai Trials

Santo Condorelli ha presentato ricorso per ottenere l’eleggibilità a partecipare ai Trials ed, eventualmente, alle Olimpiadi per gli Stati Uniti

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Mollie O’Callaghan Probabilmente Non Nuoterà I 100 Dorso A Parigi

Nonostante abbia realizzato la quarta performance all time, Mollie O’Callaghan probabilmente non nuoterà i 100 dorso a Parigi

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Trials Olimpici Australiani: Analisi E Risultati Live Batterie Day 3

Il terzo giorno dei Trials australiani è già iniziato. Questa mattina i 200 stile donne, 50 stile e 200 farfalla uomini e gli 800 stile maschili

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2024 Australian Olympic Trials: Day 3 Prelims Live Recap

World record holder Mollie O’Callaghan comes in as the top seed in a highly competitive women’s 200 freestyle race at these trials.


US Olympic Swimming Trials Tickets Are Now Available at a 10% Discount

Last week, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway announced a 10% off discount code for tickets to the 2024 US Olympic Swimming Trials.


París 2024: dos nuevos australianos, clasificados a los Juegos Olímpicos

Los Selectivos agregaron nuevos nombres, mientras que Kaylee McKeown se convirtió en la primera nadadora en clasificarse para su segundo evento.

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Do Semi-Finals Matter? A Look at the Data

Japan’s Yui Ohashi was outside of the top 8 in prelims of the 200 IM at the Tokyo Olympics before going on to win gold the next day.


Jeremy Bagshaw Qualifies for 1st Olympic Team at 5th Trials While Finishing Med School

At Canadian Trials, in what would have been his final race as a competitive swimmer, Jeremy finished 4th in the 200 free, securing a spot on the Olympic team


Trials Australia Day2: Altri Due Nomi Si Aggiungono Alla Lista Dei Qualificati Per Parigi

Altri 2 nomi si aggiungono alla lista dei qualificati australiani per Parigi 2024. Kaylee McKeown è la prima a qualificarsi in due gare

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1007 Swimmers Qualify For 2024 U.S. Olympic Trials As Updated Psych Sheets Released

Kaitlyn Dobler will compete at the U.S. Olympic Trials as the updated psych sheets show her as the #3 seed in the women’s 100 breast and #6 in the 200 breast.


Adam Maraana Set to Become First Arab Swimmer to Represent Israel at the Olympics

Adam Maraana is the first Arab-Israeli swimmer, and only third athlete in any sport, to represent Israel at the Olympic Games.


2024 U.S. Olympic Trials Previews: It’s Douglass’ Turn To Take The Reins In The 200 Breast

After two straight years of finishing second to Lilly King, will newly-minted American record Kate Douglass finally come out on top this year?


McKeown Is First Aussie Swimmer To Add Second Qualifying Event At 2024 Olympic Trials

Winning both the 200m IM and 100m back, 22-year-old Olympic champion Kaylee McKeown is the first Aussie swimmer to add a 2nd event to her Paris 2024 lineup