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Peter & Michael Andrew Launch Online Course in USRPT

Ultra-Short Race Pace Training proponents Michael Andrew and Peter Andrew are launching an online course to teach other coaches and swimmers about the much-discussed training system.

Michael Andrew has been one of the most-discussed age groupers in swimming history, in part due to his decision to turn pro at age 14, but also because of his strict adherence to a USRPT system while being coached by his father, Peter. The Andrews have been outspoken proponents of USRPT, a training program based on high-speed, low-volume training that its crafters say is based on scientific evidence about what is most beneficial to swimmers’ bodies.

Michael Andrew‘s slew of National Age Group records have spurred a lot of discussion on the training system, though for many observers, the specifics of USRPT are still a bit hazy. The Andrews are billing their course as a step-by-step tutorial on how they structure their training program. The course website breaks things down into 8 ‘microcycles’, with the course looking into the specifics of each microcycle, which are listed as the following:

  1. Streamline
  2. Breathing
  3. Body-Roll*
  4. End of Stroke
  5. Power-Phase
  6. Initial Action
  7. Recovery
  8. Kicking

*(no Body-Roll in Breaststroke and Butterfly)

The course boasts a few key pieces, including underwater video examples featuring Michael Andrew and a chat feature that will allow course participants direct communication with the Andrew family for extra clarification and to help connect people within the swimming community with interest in USRPT. The Andrew family has previously run USRPT clinics in person, but say this new online course will broaden the scope of athletes and coaches with which they can connect.

The website for the course also suggests that the current course is a first step in a series of courses: “The Non Traditional Lore of Swimming’s core components consists of Technique, Conditioning (USRPT based Race-Pace Training), Psychology and Nutrition. The first course covers the most important aspect – Technique!” the site says.

The Andrew family is also offering a coupon code for a limited time, cutting the price down from $249 to $199. You can apply that coupon code by following this link.


Below is a full press release from the Andrew family announcing the course:

If any of these statements below apply to you as a swimmer, a coach or a parent of a swimmer, our brand new, complete Step by Step Race-Pace Technique Instruction course is just what you need!

If you are new to swimming, you love the sport and you need a solid base foundation with regards to technique instruction for all strokes and all other technical aspects of competitive swimming like starts, breakouts and turns, … this course is for you!

If you are frustrated with swimming … this course is for you!

If you have plateaued and have not had any significant time drops in years … this course is for you!

If you are suffering from overuse injuries, burn out and mental fatigue … this course is for you!

If you have considered quitting the sport because you are not making gains … don’t quit until you have tried just this one more thing (we offer a 100% 30 day money back guarantee)

If your progress is not matching the time, effort and investment you put in … this course is for you!

If it is hard (or nearly impossible) to find a knowledgeable technique coach to help you with your stroke … this course is for you!

If you are a new coach and do not know where to start and nothing out there makes any sense to you … this course is for you!

If you are the parent of a kid who wants to train race pace training but you don’t know where to start … this course is for you. (This is the first of four courses that will make up The Non Traditional Lore of Swimming. The next course after the technique course will detail how to implement USRPT based Race-Pace training in any setting).

If you feel like you are just missing something to get you to the next level in your swimming but you have tried everything … this course is for you!

If your coach cannot give you attention during practice to improve your technique … this course is for you!

If you are a Summer League, High School, Club or Parent Coach …. this course is for you!


Step by Step Race-Pace Technique Instruction

This course is a step by step guide on how we’ve incorporated Dr. Brent Rushall’s ‘A Technique Macrocycle’ in our USRPT based race-pace program. It is a step by step, detailed progressive 8 week cycle of a microcycle per week. The eight Microcycles are:

1. Streamline
2. Breathing
3. Body-Roll*
4. End-of-Stroke
5. Power-Phase
6. Initial Action
7. Recovery
8. Kicking

*(no Body-Roll in Breaststroke and Butterfly)

The technique instruction is illustrated with expertly coached underwater videos demonstrated by Michael Andrew from several different angles, detailing each microcycle for each stroke in order to provide you with a complete, methodical, progressive technique system. This system will help you become a better swimmer by becoming a better stroke technician, a better swimming technique coach and a better team mate by being able to watch and correct fellow swimmers or siblings. You will learn what the overriding principles are in dealing with a massively resistive body of water. You will learn what you should be looking for, understand what you are working towards, as well as being guided through corrective measures when you can identify flaws in order to implement stroke correction while striving to perfect your stroke technique whilst training at race-pace.

Technique is the number one core component that attributes to the biggest time drops (improvement) when drag is reduced and propulsion is increased since water is so resistive. Poor form can cause devastating injuries and lack of improvement or timely improvement leads to burn out.

The Non Traditional Lore of Swimming’s core components consists of Technique, Conditioning (USRPT based Race-Pace Training), Psychology and Nutrition. The first course will deal with the most important aspect – Technique!

We’ve extended the $50 off launch discount for SwimSwam readers through Wednesday.  Simply click here to secure your discount today.  Again, we are offering a 30 day 100% money back guarantee (no questions asked).  We are 100% confident that this will be one of the best investments you have made into your sport to date.

We are excited to bring you a state of the art course on a platform that is interactive (you can also get all your questions answered by Peter and Michael inside the course’s chat feature), you have instant and lifetime access to all videos for each stroke plus lessons on starts, turns and breakouts. Content will be updated as we learn and discover things. We will never stop learning and sharing.

This course is methodical, progressive and simplistic. A system whereby you can easily navigate to the exact cycle for a specific stroke and view expertly coached underwater video explaining all aspects of stroke in detail even in a training environment (it can be like having a technique coach on deck).

If you have enjoyed the free technique course to date, that was merely scratching the surface in comparison to this complete technique course. It is presented in very similar format. We will be releasing the course in its entirety on November 6th so you can have access to whatever technique issue you are currently dealing with. 

Like always, we look forward to come alongside you in your swimming journey and share our learning curves. Thank you for trusting us and wishing you the absolute best!

Simply click here to buy now!

Cheers to swimming Faster Faster!

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OC Dad
7 years ago

Can’t argue with the results. I’m impressed by the claims of less yardage and pool time. What have been the argument against?

Reply to  OC Dad
5 years ago

Results? Other then Michael Andrew, what other high end swimmer is doing this program? Just wondering.

Steve Nolan
7 years ago

“Cheers to swimming Faster Faster!”

This is begging for a comma.

Reply to  Steve Nolan
7 years ago

couldn’t read it as fast then.

Steve Nolan
Reply to  dude
7 years ago

They say it super fast, too! It makes way more sense if you pretend to be a news anchor when you say it, moving your head around and changing cadences like whoa.

“Coming to you live, I’m Chet Youbetcha.”

“Cheers to swimming faster, faster.”

But aside from that, this looks kinda cool? Once I got signed in after 10 different log-in screens to try out the free version, that is.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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