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The One Tool Every Swim Coach Must Have

Commit Swimming is a new kind of workout manager for swim teams. For far too long swimming software has lacked creativity and simplicity. Commit has changed that. The video below says it all:


To get started logging your team’s workouts, go to and click “Try it Now”. For a limited time only, Commit is offering a 14 day free trial, no credit card required. With your trial you get swimming’s #1 workout manager on all of your devices. This state of the art software is built specifically for swim coaches and comes with 24/7 first class customer support.

Here are 7 reasons you should start using Commit Swimming this season:


Commit’s pricing is fair and transparent. They are different from “the other guys”, and it shows in their pricing. There are no setup fees, no hidden fees, no “lock-in” period, no contract, and there is no negotiating or haggling. Everyone pays the same, low price. It’s $8/ month or $90/ year per coach. There are even discounts for teams with 3+ coaches using Commit. You can view information about team pricing at


Commit’s service is second to none. And they do it with 3 guys. When you call or email Commit Swimming, you’re speaking to a business owner, a software developer, a salesman, and a customer service rep all at the same time. There is no disconnect between what is promised to get done and what actually gets done. There is no “going up the chain”. Someone will hear your concern and give you a viable solution on the spot 100% of the time. Period.


Commit Swimming is the only swimming software company that lets you sign up on the spot without speaking to a pushy salesman. And, for a limited time, this stress free sign-up process comes with a 14 day free trial. No credit card required. No gimmicks. Just a true free trial. Sign up for your free trial today at It won’t be around forever.


You’re used to the routine. A sales rep visits your pool to show you just the basics of the new swim software your club bought. Next, you spend months convincing everybody on staff to adopt the new technology. That is a problem. Software should simplify your life, not complicate it… from day one… for everybody. Commit is so easy to use that you won’t need anyone visiting you, you won’t need an hour long webinar, and you’ll barely need to watch a 5 minute tutorial! Everyone on staff will be up and running within days.


You shouldn’t be restricted to one line input boxes when writing a set. Other workout management software forces you to follow a structured format that removes the character of your workout. No one wants to sit there and click buttons to change the reps, the distance, and the interval for each set. With Commit Swimming, all you have to do is type! It’s as easy as using a Word document, but it provides more data than traditional workout managers.


Do you want your swimmers to keep a log book? There is no need for them to write on a notepad anymore. With Commit’s mobile app, the athletes on your roster can review their workouts after they happen and take notes on each one. It’s a digital log book that speaks their language.


It’s the perfect time to get more efficient and organized. There are always reasons not to make adjustments to your routine, but you don’t want to look back in 20 years and realize that now you’re “that guy stuck in his ways”.


Commit Swimming builds innovative software for our sport, bringing 21st century tech to swimming.

Every damn day Commit strives to improve technology in swimming, pushing the boundaries of what has been done before. For far too long swimming software has lacked creativity and simplicity. It is our goal to change that by delivering products that dazzle you with their simplicity and elegance.


Contact Commit anytime at [email protected]. You can also follow them on Facebook, on Twitter, or on their blog.


Courtesy of Commit Swimming, a SwimSwam partner

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A Satisfied Commit Coach
7 years ago

Hey Everyone, Realistically there will not be a system that will be perfect for every coach but I encourage coaches to give this a try. I’ve been using Commit for a little over a year and once you take the time to input your coaches “slang” ( Hammer Down, Sprint, Hard, Easy, Cruise, Smooth, Fast etc) and the way you like to abbreviate ( ie BC =Breathe Control ) the system recognizes what you have intended and then adds and tracks everything. For those that still like to use paper, you can still frame out your thoughts on paper then quickly type in the workout to have an online copy for future reference. It’s also great to email a copy… Read more »

Pat Windschitl
Reply to  A Satisfied Commit Coach
7 years ago

Another recommendation here. My club has been using it since release and we love it.

One of the big features we love that we don’t see mentioned often is time tracking with sets. If you type in something like 8×350’s on 4:00 it lists at the bottom that it’s 2,800y, will take 32:00, and more importantly it is at a 1:08.5 per 100y pace. It’s great to see that information instantly as you type.

Not Commit
7 years ago

Good Idea but Spreadsheets are easier if you know what your doing. I downloaded it and found it hard to use.

Dan Dingman
Reply to  Not Commit
7 years ago

Hi Not Commit!

One of the founders/ developers of Commit, here. Appreciate the thoughts, and I am happy you tried it out.

Commit is not for everybody, but we are always working to evolve it so that eventually it is for everybody. Thousands of coaches love it, but there are also thousands of coaches out there who don’t use it yet. If there is one thing we are proud of, it is taking customer feedback very seriously.

Shoot us an email at [email protected] with some thoughts as to how to make Commit better and we will absolutely incorporate them into our planning.


Joseph Gan
Reply to  Dan Dingman
5 years ago

It says $8/month but when i checked out your pricing page it is $29/month. Why such a big difference there?

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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