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Nitro Swimming Builds Success in 1 Decade (Video Report)

From everything I had heard about Nitro Swimming and all of the great swimmers I had seen coming out of their program, I had always assume they were a program with years and years of history and tradition. When I visited the club, I was surprised to learn they were founded in 2007, just turning 10 this year.

So how have they reached such a high level of success in a short time frame? Their numbers are staggering, their talent is unarguable. Nitro is the real deal. When I sat down with their coaches and athletes though, it didn’t take too long to figure out why.

From lessons to age groups, the coaches focus on technique. They aren’t worried about cranking out the yardage for 8,9,10, even 11 and 12-year-olds. They make it fun, and they teach the young swimmers patience with their strokes, their kick, their turns. They aren’t looking for success and gold medals now; they’re building a foundation that will last them much, much longer.

If the swimmers stick with the process, by the time they get to the national group, you bet they’re doing the work. But they’re doing it with 4 good strokes, 4 technically sound strokes, a strong kick, and a mind that is able to grow and make changes.

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7 years ago

As someone who swam club and high school 2010-2013 in texas for texas gold, let me say that nitro was on another level. Lots of talent and above anything good sports, very friendly people even if they crush you 20.9-22.6 in a 50

7 years ago

They’re also producing convicted pedophiles and unless you’re in the national group, they only care about your money. Speaking from experience.

Reply to  Amanda
7 years ago

Amanda – as far as I can tell, you were never a registered NITRO swimmer, at least according to SWIMS. Can you clarify what experience you’re speaking from?

Karen B
Reply to  Amanda
7 years ago

“Producing”….? The person you’re speaking of had a full background check as they do with all their employees that was clear. It’s a very unfortunate incident but one that was totally unpredictable. It was handled very professionally by Nitro owners and staff. I have seen and experienced first hand the energy and compassion they have for teaching all ages- especially the young.

Reply to  Karen B
7 years ago

Amanda, I was at Nitro for many years. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. The coaches are fantastic and care very, very deeply for therir swimmers. I’mtired of hearing all these people trying to tarnish Nitro. It’s probably out of jealousy or something, but regardless, they’re all incorrect.

Reply to  Amanda
7 years ago

Even one sexual crime is one too many, and Nitro had two in short period of time. The owners handed both the way they were supposed to do. When you a large swim club with dozens of coaches, more likely these things to happen. less likely in small clubs with one or two coaches.

If you are looking for a swim club where they will babysit your kid and spoil it the way you expect them to be spoiled, Nitro is not a club for you. If you want a swim club where everyone is giving 100% to make your kid better and feel part of the team, Nitro is the best club IMO. I mention this in another thread,… Read more »

Reply to  PsychoDad
7 years ago

A large swim club is a lot like a sizable company…unforseen events happen but its how the club and company responds that’s important. Nitro runs a great program…the coaches are among the most dedicated people I’ve ever met having spent years in both swim programs and as a senior officer of a large corporation. Passion doesn’t even describe this organization…it’s DNA is’s challenging..sure, it’s a national level club but the kids are having fun…there’s a passion here that’s unique.. go Nitro

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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