Psych Sheets Released For 2024 Australian Olympic Trials
Kaylee McKeown has entered five events at the 2024 Australian Olympic Trials, including the 100 and 200 free with possible relay berths in mind.
The Fastest Swim Technique: Backstroke Dolphin Kick With Maggie MacNeil
The Race Club analyzes what makes SCM 50 backstroke world record holder Maggie MacNeil so fast while kicking underwater on her back.
África Zamorano y la importancia de su mínima olímpica
“Me fastidia un poco, pero a la vez me da la confianza. Voy a dar el 100% cuando me lo pidan. Estoy tranquila”, confesó la española.
Pubblicate Le Iscrizioni Per I Trials Olimpici Australiani 2024
Sono state rese note le liste d’iscrizione iniziali per i Trials olimpici australiani del 2024, le cui iscrizioni saranno accettate fino a giovedì
I Convocati Per L’Italia Per La Coppa Comen 2024
Sono stati resi noti i nomi dei convocati per la Mediterranean Cup 2024 (Coppa Comen) che si svolgerà a Limassol il mese prossimo
La previa de Barcelona, segunda escala del Circuito Mare Nostrum
Campeones olímpicos, mundiales y europeos se citan del 29 al 30 de mayo para seguir preparándose para los Juegos Olímpicos.
Missy Franklin Invited to Fly With Thunderbirds at Air Force Academy Graduation
Five-time Olympic medalist Missy Franklin received an invite to fly with the Thunderbirds at Air Force Academy’s graduation ceremony on Thursday afternoon.
Finaliza la suspensión de Sun Yang
El primer nadador masculino en ganar medallas de oro olímpicas y en Mundiales en estilo libre de 200 a 1.500 metros había sido suspendido.
What We Can Learn From Sprinting a 50 Free Every Day for 100 Days
Listen to what Hoekstra learned during this process as well as what he will now carry over into his workout routine moving forward.
Maxime Grousset Sulle Olimpiadi Di Parigi: “Penso Che Sarà La Gara Migliore Della Mia Vita”
Maxime Grousset ha disputato la sua ultima gara prima dei Trials olimpici francesi del 2024 alla tappa di Canet-en-Roussillon del Mare Nostrum Tour.
Per Un Centesimo Di Secondo
Il nuoto è fatto di centesimi di secondo ed a volte un centesimo decide la gloria olimpica. Quante volte è successo nella storia?
Sources: SEC Proposes Swim/Dive Roster Limits for Men (22), Women (35) After House Settlement
According to sources, the SEC proposed a roster limit of 35 for women’s swimming and diving and 22 for men in the wake of the recent House v. NCAA settlement.
Top 10 Swims From the 2024 Speedo Grand Challenge in Irvine
Lots of meet records and lifetime bests were set over the weekend, but only one American record was broken courtesy of the red-hot Regan Smith.
How Does the Canadian Women’s 4 x 100 Medley Relay Stack Up After Trials?
Coming out of the recent Canadian Olympic Trials, see how the Canadian women’s relays are shaping up heading into Paris.
Sun Devils Split: Which Swimmers Went Where After Bob Bowman Left Arizona State for Texas
Paige Madden, Drew Kibler, and Ryan Held swam under the New York Athletic Club (NYAC) banner this month after coach Bob Bowman left ASU for Texas in March.