LEN Postpones Upcoming Water Polo Competitions
The LEN has decided to put its upcoming water polo competitions on hold in the wake of the global coronavirus outbreak.
Coronavirus: In Spagna Tutti Gli Eventi Sportivi A Porte Chiuse
Coronavirus: La Spagna ha annunciato una serie di misure per contenere la diffusione. Tra queste l’esecuzione delle manifestazioni sportive a porte chiuse
ODP Girls National Championship Postponed; Men’s NT Series With Spain Canceled
USA Water Polo is postponing this weekend’s ODP Girls National Championship and canceling next week’s Men’s Senior National Team exhibition with Spain.
YMCA Short Course Nationals Canceled For First Time Since 1947
YMCA staff was informed in an email that all in-person Y-hosted events through April 30 are to be canceled, including nationals.
King County, Home to Major COVID-19 Outbreak, Cancels Federal Way Sectionals
Pacific Northwest Swimming announced Tuesday that King County, which has the most confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country, canceled the meet.
Update: Complete Nordic Tour Cancelled Due To Coronavirus
Add the Bergen Swim Festival to the seemingly growing list of swimming events being cancelled or postponed due to the coronavirus situation.
Connecticut Cancels State Championships in Boys Swimming, 3 Other Sports
The latest casualty of the coronavirus outbreak are the state championship events in boys’ swimming, boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, and boys’ ice hockey in Connecticut.
All Spanish Sporting Events To Be Held Behind Closed Doors
The Spanish Government announce that all sporting events will be closed off to spectators as part of their plan to tackle to spread of COVID-19
Fina Istituisce Una Taskforce Per Valutare Provvedimenti COVID-19
La FINA ha annunciato l’istituzione di una taskforce COVID-19.Verranno riuniti medici esperti monitorare la diffusione del virus
FINA Establishes COVID-19 Taskforce
Comprised of leading medical experts, FINA’s taskforce will consider and assess the spread of COVID-19, and its potential impact on upcoming events.
Allenamenti Possono Riprendere. Per Chi? Lo Specifica La FIN
Gli allenamenti da oggi possono riprendere per gli “atleti di interesse nazionale” La FIN ha precisato chi rientra in questa categoria
Coronavirus: Da Oggi Tutta Italia In “Zona Protetta”
Coronavirus-E’ stato firmato il provvedimento che estende a tutto il territorio le misure inizialmente previste per la Regione Lombardia e 14 province.
Update: Nation Of Italy On Travel Lockdown Due to Coronavirus
The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is continually unfolding, with another update coming from the Italian Swimming Federation.
Italian Olympic Trials, International Travel Cancelled Due To Coronavirus
Big-time changes are unfolding in Italy as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, including the cancellation of the nation’s Olympic Trials.
Sospesi Eventi Nazionali-Azzurri Fuori Competizioni Internazionali
La FIN ha disposto sospensione di tutti gli eventi nazionali. Cancellata altresì la partecipazione degli azzurri agli eventi internazionali