Tg2 Post Barelli: Riaprire Le Piscine Consentendo L’Accesso A Più Utenti
Al Tg2 Post interviene Paolo Barelli le piscine sono impianti molto costosi e delicati quindi bisognerà riaprirli nel modo giusto.
Japanese Virology Expert Questions Whether Games Can Be Held In 2021
Japanese virology expert Kentaro Iwata has warned that, in the event of a new COVID-19 outbreak, hosting the event in the summer of 2021 might not be doable.
Germania: Le Linee Giuda Per La Ripresa Dello Sport
La Germania sta lavorando, come diversi paesi europei, su quella che sarà la “fase 2” della gestione della pandemia da Coronavirus COVID-19.
Spain’s RFEN Launches 100th Anniversary Song; Funds Raised For COVID-19
Mixed with traditional Flamenco and Urban Latino sounds, the lyrics discuss the topics of effort, union, pride, emotion, or reward.
Spain’s Health Ministry To Decide Athletes’ Training Return Date
Spain’s Sports Council will rely on the decision reached by the nation’s Health Ministry in terms of when athletes will be allowed to return to practice.
Some Arizona Athletics Staff Affected by School-Wide Salary Cuts
Some UA athletics staff members are included in the school’s plan to cut pay and furlough employees – whether that includes swim coaches is not totally clear.
Italian Federation Cancels Events Until 5/31 And Prepares “Phase 2”
Italian Swimming Federation Council decided to cancels swimming eventi until the end of May and to establish a commission to be ready for lockdown phase 2
Our Sport is Changing: Is Virtual in our Future?
‘With questions about Covid-19, swim teams are planning to serve their swim families in the safest way possible. Perhaps virtual swim meets…”
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Dominik Kozma Denunciato Per Aver Violato La Quarantena
Dominik Kozma è stato denunciato dalla polizia ungherese per aver violato i protocolli previsti per chi deve rispettare il periodo di quarantena
Consiglio Federale: Fase 2 E Annullamento Gare Fino Al 31/05
Il Consiglio Federale ha nominato una commissione che formuli le modalità per riaprire gli impianti ed iniziare le attività acquatiche in piena sicurezza
USA Swimming Won’t Sanction Meets Through at Least May 31st
As some states are considering reopening by mid-May, USA Swimming has announced that it will not sanction meets through at least May 31.
What the Guidelines for Nationwide Reopening Mean for Swimming
In order for swimming to return to normal, gyms, pools, and spas will need to reopen and people will need to be allowed to meet in larger groups once again.
Boglarka Kapas Negativa Al Test Covid-19 Dopo La Quarantena
Boglarka Kapas è risultata negativa al test per il coronavirus e il suo isolamento di 14 giorni è (quasi) finito. Nuovi test oggi
IOC & Tokyo 2020 Framework To Aim For Identical Competition Schedule In 2021
The 2020 Summer Olympics have been pushed to 2021, but the IOC says it’s a priority to “replicate” the original plan for venue and competition schedules.
Ipotesi Cassa Integrazione E Aiuti Governativi Alle Società Sportive
cassa integrazione e aiuti: Paolo Barelli, ha rilasciato un’intervista a Il Messaggero dove torna sulla questione della crisi degli impianti sportivi