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Vladimir Putin Says Meldonium Not a Performance-Enhancer

Putin says he doesn’t believe Meldonium should be outlawed, and that further studies should have been done on how long it takes the substance to leave the body.


WADA Revokes Moscow Lab Accredidation, Suspends Lisbon

The World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) has revoked the accredidation of the Moscow Antidoping Center in Russia due to non-compliance with…

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Efimova Sends Letter to FINA Asking to Lift Her Temporary Suspension

Earlier today, the ongoing controversy surrounding doping, specifically the drug meldonium, got even more complicated as the WADA announced that…


Newly-Formed WADA Compliance Review Committee Holds April Meeting

In compliance with the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code, the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has formed a committee, the Compliance Review…

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Russian Swimming Fed Waiting On Efimova’s Meldonium Concentration Data

After WADA’s announcement earlier today that some cases where athletes have tested positively for meldonium may see the athlete’s suspension lifted, eyes turn to Yulia Efimova’s situation.

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WADA’s Latest Meldonium Statement May Excuse Some Athletes

WADA states that in the particular circumstances where the meldonium concentration found is below 1mcg and the test was taken prior to March 1, 2016, the case may be deemed as having no fault.


Russia Withdraws Players, Teams From Competition Due to Meldonium

The move may prevent further embarrassing positive tests for the drug Meldonium


Run it Back: Recapping Russian and Chinese Doping Scandals

Russia’s Yulia Efimova tested positive for a second time – just one piece of a winding puzzle of doping in Russia and China early in 2016.


USADA Adds Zika-Specific Anti-Doping Guidelines To Website

The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has included a specific list of questions on its website pertaining to the impact of Zika on anti-doping testing results

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Water Polo Player Brings Russian Meldonium-Positive Total To 23

Russian water polo player Alexey Bugaychuk is the latest athlete to have reportedly tested positive for the drug meldonium.


FINA Issues Statement On Chinese Swimmers’ Warning Penalties

“FINA has received the decisions issued on these two athletes, and is currently reviewing them.”


2 Of 3 Chinese Who Failed Doping Tests Issued Warning Penalty

The Chinese Swimming Association has announced it will be issuing ‘warning penalties’ to 2 of 3 of its swimmers who recently tested positively for a banned substance.


Russian Swimmer Martynova Issued 4-Year Ban For Failed Doping Test

Amidst the controversial allegations levied against the Russian swimming community by The Times, alleging systematic, organized doping, another Russian swimmer has been confirmed as failing a doping test.


Shanghai Daily Names 3 of 6 Chinese Swimmers to Fail Drug Tests has reported the names of three of the six Chinese swimmers who have failed a test for banned substances…


6 Chinese Swimmers Have Failed Doping Tests Since Fall Of 2015

After yesterday’s controversial accusations by The Times concerning alleged systematic doping within the Russian swimming organization, news is coming out today about positive drug tests by Chinese swimmers.