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WADA Recommends Banning All Russian Athletes From Rio Olympics

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has recommended that Russian athletes in all sports be denied entry to the 2016 Rio Olympics in the wake of the McLaren Report’s assertions of a massive state-sponsored doping program.


IOC Calls McLaren Report “Shocking,” Schedules Conference

Following the publication of WADA’s report by Richard McLaren on systematic state-sponsored doping in Russia and McLaren’s conference, the International Olympic Committee has released a statement on the findings.


New Report Confirms State-Sponsored Doping In Russia

A report on the systematic doping of Russian athletes at the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games led by Canadian law professor Richard McLaren was published this morning at 9:00 EST confirming state-sponsored doping in Russian sports.


As Olympic Doping Cloud Thickens, WaPo Columnist Suggests Delayed Medal Ceremony

As pre-Olympic coverage ramps up across the world’s media outlets, the cloud of doping suspicions only appears to grow stronger. That gathering storm of pessimism and distrust has caused on Washington Post columnist to propose a unique solution.


Brazil Expects Suspended Anti-Doping Lab To Be Re-Opened By Olympics

The Brazilian government says that the issues that caused the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to suspend the anti-doping lab in Rio de Janeiro have been solved, and that it expects the lab to re-open in time for the Summer Olympics.

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Hesam Jafari Tests Positive for THC, Receives 4 Year Ban

Water polo player Hesam Jefari of Iran has tested positive for carboxy-THC, a Class S.8 Cannabinoid, following an in-competition doping control test sanctioned by the Iranian National Anti Doping Organization (NADO).


Suspensions From Olympic Retests Begin With Ukrainian Weightlifter

The International Olympic Committee has begun handing out suspensions based on retests of anti-doping samples from the past two Olympics, with Russian weightlifter Yulia Kalina being banned from Rio this week.


FINA Drops Meldonium Charges Against Efimova, Cleared for Rio

World Record holder Yulia Efimova has had her doping violation waived by FINA.


FINA Issues Statement on Anti-Doping

Tuesday, FINA released a statement on its anti-doping efforts for the first half of 2016. The samples, taken between January and the end of June, 2016, come as part of a targeted anti-doping program.

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Russian Record Holder Vitalina Simonova Suspended for 4 Years

FINA has suspended Russian swimmer Vitalina Simonova for 4 years, dating back to June 29th, 2015, after a positive test for…


IOC Executive Board Asks Ethics Commission for Advice on Stepanova

As the subject of a participation of Mrs Iuliia Stepanova in the Olympic Games Rio 2016 involves important ethical aspects, the IOC Executive Board (EB) has decided to ask the IOC Ethics Commission for its advice in this respect.

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Korean Olympic Committee To Hold Emergency Mtg Regarding Park’s Status

The Korean Olympic Committee (KOC) has reportedly scheduled an emergency meeting for Friday, July 8th, where the topic of whether or not banned swimmer Park Tae Hwan will be able to compete at the 2016 Olympic Games is at the top of the agenda.


USOC Increases Anti-Doping Funding by 25%

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) has approved a nearly 25% increase in funding for the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), raising the USOC’s annual contribution to USADA to $4.6 million.

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WADA Extends Meldonium ‘Grace Period’ To September 30th

Athletes tested positively for meldonium after March 1st may have new competitive life based on WADA’s newest statement.


Brazilian Court of Sports Justice Clears Medeiros’ Doping Violation

One of Brazil‘s premier female swimmers, Etiene Medeiros, has been deemed innocent despite registering a positive result for a banned substance earlier this month….