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Who Is Eric Cottier, Independent Prosecutor Picked by WADA to Review Chinese Doping Scandal?

Eric Cottier’s 17-year career as attorney general for the Swiss canton of Vaud was not without controversy, especially during his final four years in office.


USADA, White House Official Call for Independent Investigation Into Chinese Doping Scandal

USADA urged governments to appoint an independent prosecutor on Tuesday, one day after WADA doubled down on trusting China’s kitchen contamination theory.


WADA Invites Independent Prosecutor Eric Cottier For Thorough Review Of Chinese Scandal

Cottier has two primary questions to address in relation to 23 Chinese swimmers testing positive for trimetazidine (TMZ) in 2021.


¿Dopaje en la natación china? Un fiscal independiente revisará la gestión de la WADA / AMA

Se informó que se llevará a cabo una revisión exhaustiva de su gestión a raíz de las acusaciones “perjudiciales e infundadas”

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¿Dopaje en la natación china? La Cancillería calificó de “información falsa”

El portavoz señaló en una rueda de prensa que el caso ya fue investigado “de forma exhaustiva, profunda y detallada”. Detalles.

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¿Dopaje en la natación china? La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje estudia acciones legales

La AMA se reserva ese derecho contra quienes han difundido “noticias engañosas” sobre su posible permisividad ante 23 casos de supuesto doping en 2021.

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La natación china y el génesis del escándalo

Según New York Times, 23 deportistas de elite dieron positivo con trimetazidina, sustancia prohibida porque favorece la mejor circulación sanguínea.

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WADA Points to Contamination Case in U.S. as Precedent for Clearing Chinese Swimmers in 2021

“If we had to do it over again now, we would do exactly the same thing,” WADA president Witold Banka said at a press conference on Monday.


China Contributes Almost An Extra $2 Million Over Requirement To WADA In 2018 And 2019

China pledged almost an additional million dollars in both 2018 and 2019 more than their required contributions to WADA.


China Responds to Allegations of Widespread 2021 Doping: ‘Fake News’

“The Chinese swimmers involved were neither at fault nor guilty of negligence, and their behavior did not constitute a doping violation,” an official said.


Chi É Nella Lista Dei 23 Nuotatori Cinesi Positivi E Chi No

La Tv tedesca ARD ha riportato l’elenco dei 23 nomi dei nuotatori cinesi che sono risultati positivi ai test. Vedi questi nomi qui sotto.

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Who Was A Part Of The 23 Positive Swimmers From China And Who Was Not?

See the full list of 23 swimmers who tested positive here along with members of the 2020 Tokyo roster who did not test positive.


La Cina Risponde Alle Inchieste Sul Caso Doping “Notizie False”

Il portavoce del ministero degli Esteri cinese, Wang Wenbin, ha definito le recenti accuse di doping diffuso tra i nuotatori cinesi “notizie false”.

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La Reazione Degli Atleti Allo Scandalo Doping Cinese

Dagli Stati Uniti alla Gran Bretagna gli atleti olimpici hanno reagito allo scandalo doping cinese pubblicando i loro pensieri sui social

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Australian Coach Denis Cotterell Defends China Amid Doping Scandal

Cotterell has been with the Chinese Swimming Association for the last two years and has ties with Sun Yang who is in the middle of a four-year ban.