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Sun Yang Eyes Return To Competition As Doping Ban Comes To An End

Sun’s four-year doping ban has come to an end, meaning he’s cleared to resume competition despite being ineligible for the Olympics in Paris.


Canadian Olympian Ruslan Gaziev Suspended 18 Months for Whereabouts Failure

Canadian anti-doping authorities have suspended Tokyo Olympic swimmer Ruslan Gaziev for 18 months after he committed three “whereabouts failures” last year.


International Testing Agency Acknowledges Chinese Case As Accelerated Pre-Paris Plan Kicks Off

In detailing the specifics of the two-month ramp-up in testing, the ITA said it has collaborated with World Aquatics to adapt after the Chinese positives.

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WADA Founder Dick Pound Supports Org’s Handling of Chinese Doping; Athletes Council Reacts

The WADA Foundation Board is among those that supported WADA’s handling of 23 positive tests from Chinese swimmers prior to the Olympics. Above: board President Witold Banka (left) and Vice-President Yang Yang (right).


WADA Reinstates Tunisian Anti-Doping Org; Calls for Release of Director from Prison

The president of Tunisia arrived at the Tunsian Open Masters meet to ensure the display of the Tunisian flag in violation of WADA sanctions.


El caso de la natación china: se convocó una reunión extraordinaria

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) discute el caso de 23 nadadores que habrían dado positivo pero compitieron en los Juegos Olímpicos Tokio 2020+1.

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Bahamian Olympian Joanna Evans Claims WADA Treated Her Unfairly In Doping Appeal Process

Evans says that WADA ensured her suspension was upheld and increased despite evidence she unknowingly ingested the banned substance.


Tunisian Swimming Chief, Anti-Doping Head Arrested for Following WADA Protocols

Tunisian politicians gather in front of an uncovered flag at the Tunisian Masters Championships last week in Tunis.


Tunisian President Dissolves Board of Swimming Federation Over Flag Dispute

“Tunisia comes before the Olympic Committee and before any other committees,” Tunisian president Kais Saied said amid a national flag controversy.


Two Refugee Olympians Suspended After Positive Tests For Same Substance As Chinese Swimmers

Two runners on scholarship with the IOC with plans to compete in Paris on the Olympic Refugee team have been suspended for trimetazidine.


World Aquatics To Review Anti-Doping Procedures In Wake of Chinese Scandal

The World Aquatics Bureau recommended the review after news that 23 Chinese swimmers tested positive in 2021 came to light last month.


USADA Puts WADA On Blast For Sweeping “23 Positive Tests Under The Carpet”

USADA slammed WADA with a lengthy statement that included them picking apart WADA’s recently-published FAQ document on the Chinese doping scandal.


Flynn Southam On Chinese Doping Scandal: “I Guess It Is Fuel To The Fire”

Southam expressed frustration with the news but added that he and his Aussie teammates won’t get caught up in something completely out of their control.


IOC President Thomas Bach Has ‘Full Confidence’ in WADA Over Chinese Doping Case

“If the procedures are followed, there is no reason for them not to be there,” Thomas Bach said about Chinese swimmers competing at the Olympics this summer.


Thomas Bach se expresó sobre las regulaciones de la AMA-WADA

El presidente del COI se expresó tras conocerse que 23 nadadores chinos fueron autorizados a competir en Tokio a pesar de que habrían dado positivo.

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