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Yes, Gretchen Walsh Was Drug Tested in Both 2023 and 2024

American swimmer Gretchen Walsh has been the target of Chinese social media critiques that she hasn’t been subjected to drug testing, but that isn’t true.


Chinese Olympic Swimmers Reportedly Given Almost 200 Drug Tests During First 10 Days in Paris

China’s 31 Olympic swimmers were drug tested almost 200 times in their first 10 days in Paris, according to a Weibo post by team nutritionist Yu Liang.


Serbian Olympic Swimmer Uros Nikolic Suspended One Year After Testing Positive for Ephedrine

Serbian Olympian Uros Nikolic was suspended for one year earlier this month after testing positive for a banned substance at February’s World Championships.


Dick Pound Claims U.S. Non-Compliant With WADA, Could Lose Olympic Hosting Rights

“That legislation is non-compliant with the anti-doping code,” Pound said of the Rodchenkov Act, which he claimed could threaten U.S. Olympic hosting rights.


Chinese Swimmers Being Tested More Frequently In Paris Lead-Up

World Aquatics has increased the number of tests for certain targeted athletes and nations, including China, to bolster its anti-doping efforts.


World Junior Record Holder Viktoria Gunes Suspended Two Years for Whereabouts Failures

Viktoria Gunes still owns the world junior record in the 200 breaststroke (2:19.64), which was only .53 seconds off the senior world record back in 2015.


La previa de París 2024, con más controles antidopaje

Los nadadores chinos que participarán en los Juegos Olímpicos serán sometidos a más controles antidopaje. La información fue comunicada por World Aquatics.

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El Comité Olímpico Internacional se expresó sobre el caso de la natación china

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje había presentado el martes un informe de investigación sobre el caso de quienes dieron positivo pero no fueron sancionados.

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Independent Prosecutor Rules WADA Showed No Bias In Handling of Chinese Doping Case

Eric Cottier, who was tabbed by WADA to review the case in April, ruled that WADA showed no bias toward China in its handling of the case.


NCAA Removes Cannabinoids (Marijuana) From Its List of Banned Drugs for Championships (D1)

The NCAA says that it will shift its focus to harm-reduction strategies for marijuana, saying that “cannabis products do not provide a competitive advantage.”


Estados Unidos investiga a los chinos clasificados a París 2024

Según anuncian los propios medios estadounidenses, se espera que el director ejecutivo de World Aquatics participe como testigo.

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World Aquatics Confirms U.S. Federal Investigation Into Chinese Doping Tests

Defending Olympic champion Wang Shun was one of the 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive for a banned substance in the months leading up to Tokyo in 2021.


La Agencia Antidopaje de China se expresó sobre la polémica

“Semejante solicitud, sin ningún fundamento jurídico, es una violación del Código Mundial Antidopaje y de los derechos de los deportistas”, afirmó.

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At Least Some Chinese Swimmers Reportedly Weren’t Notified of Positive Tests In 2021

At least three of the 23 Chinese swimmers were not made aware they tested positive in early 2021, sources indicate.


WADA President Calls Out USADA For Hypocrisy, “Playing Politics” After Congressional Hearing

WADA President Witold Banka declined to attend the Congressional hearing in Washington on Tuesday, but didn’t hold back in responding one day later.