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CAS Hearing Between WADA, RUSADA Wraps Up

The Arbitral Panel will now deliberate and prepare its decision, which is expected sometime before the end of 2020.

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RUSADA’s Non-Compliance Hearing With WADA To Move Forward In Early November

The CAS hearing, which was supposed to take place earlier this year prior to the pandemic, will now run November 2-5 in Lausanne under strict guidelines.

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Il Caso Sun Yang E’ Costato A WADA Oltre 600 Mila Dollari

Il caso Sun Yang è costato a WADA (Agenzia Mondiale Antidoping ) 600.000 dollari americani, secondo il suo rapporto per il 2019

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Sun Yang Case Costs WADA 600,000 USD

WADA’s annual report states that its case against Chinese Olympian Sun Yang has cost the organization more than 600,000 USD.


Two-Time Italian Olympian Alex Di Giorgio Tests Positive for Banned Substance

The 30-year old freestyler, who represented Italy on relays at both the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games, has been given a temporary suspension.


Alex Di Giorgio Positivo Ad Un Test Antidoping. Sospeso In Via Cautelare

Alex Di Giorgio è stato sospeso in via cautelare dal Tribunale Antidoping per essere risultato positivo ad una sostanza vietata

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Four Others Sentenced To Jail Along With Diacks In Corruption Scandal

Four other officials were handed jail sentences along with former IAAF President Lamine Diack and his son Papa Massata Diack in a doping-related scandal.

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Antidoping: Cosa Comporta Il Divieto E Perchè Non Intacca Gli Atleti Russi

Il divieto inferto dall’AMA alla Russia non coinvolge direttamente e personalmente gli atleti, che potranno gareggiare e vincere medaglie

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2 Anni Di Carcere Per Lamine Diack: Ex Presidente IAAF Corrotto

Lamine Diack, ex capo della IAAF, è stato condannato a 2 anni di carcere riceveva tangenti in cambio di alcuni insabbiamenti riguardanti atleti russi.

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Former IAAF President Lamine Diack Sentenced To Two Years In Prison

Former track & field federation head Lamine Diack has been sentenced to two years in prison over a corruption scandal connected to Russian doping.

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WADA Risponde Alla Minaccia USA Di Ritirare I Fondi: Conseguenze Per Gli Atleti

WADA risponde alla minaccia degli Stati Uniti di ritirare i fondi nazionali dicendo che questa decisione potrebbe avere ricadute sugli atleti statunitensi.

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WADA Could Bar Team USA From Olympics If U.S. Withdraws Funding

Earlier this summer, the U.S. government threatened to withdraw funding from WADA. Now, WADA has fired back with the possibility of Olympic exclusion.


RUSADA Licenzia Yuri Ganus, Il Direttore Che Ha Ammesso Le Manipolazioni

L’Agenzia Antidoping Russa ha licenziato il suo direttore a causa di irregolarità finanziarie. Ganus aveva ammesso le manipolazioni avvenute nei laboratori.

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Russia Dismisses Doping Critic Yuri Ganus From RUSADA

Russia has dismissed Yuri Ganus as RUSADA head. An audit alleged financial irregularities, but Ganus says he’s being targeted for his anti-doping stances.


Updated With Comment: Matsumoto Gets FINA Doping Warning

World Championships silver medalist Katsuhiro Matsumoto was issued a warning last month as a result of having tested positive for a banned substance.