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New Technology Takes Coach off the Pool Deck & Into the Water

As coaches are preparing for the coming season and equipping their swimmers with new equipment and tools to improve training, a new system is now available that will revolutionize on-deck coaching. AquaCam’s launch of the CoachCom waterproof transmitting system means that swimmers are never out of earshot from coaching guidance. Each device and system brings the coach-swimmer relationship to a new level where the swimmer can receive audible instruction while still training. Why stop training and put swimmers on the pool deck when you can take the coach’s voice into the water during training?

The comfortable, waterproof receiver easily fits under any swim cap or goggle strap and is designed to stay in place even through starts and turns. The device transmits sound through bone conduction and has a range of up to 100 meters. This poolside transmitter system delivers the coach’s voice to as few as one or as many as 20 waterproof devices worn by swimmers. Each swimmer equipped with a receiver can receive individual communications from the coach or can be addressed simultaneously as a team through the devices.

 CoachCom (courtesy of CoachCom)

The durability and range of the CoachCom system makes it an excellent addition to any indoor or outdoor pool swimming, open water swimming, synchronized swimming, and water polo. It is also an asset for blind or hearing impaired athletes. Without leaving the poolside bench or open water training boat, a coach can give real-time instruction, technique correction and motivation without the athlete missing a moment of training.

While the above mentioned features of this system are already enviable, the CoachCom system has more advantages than just transmitting a coach’s instruction. The system can also be used to transmit any mp3 audio device, or programmed to submit an audible tempo beep to the swimmers to maintain ideal pacing. You couldn’t ask for more features in a system.

The CoachCom transmitter system may be purchased separately or packaged as a set with up to three receivers. Teams wanting to take their training to the next level can purchase the CoachCom transmitter separately while team members purchase CoachCom receivers individually at a team rate, with a portion of sales donated back to the team. Contact an AquaCam sales representative at [email protected] to set up a CoachCom package.

CoachCom (courtesy of CoachCom)

Bring Your Coaching to the Next Level… Underwater

With the CoachCom waterproof transmitting system, swimmers are never too far from coaching guidance. Each device and system brings the coach-swimmer relationship to a new level where the swimmer can receive instruction while still training. Why stop training and put swimmers on the pool deck when you can now take the coach into the water during training?

The comfortable, waterproof receiver easily fits under any swim cap or goggle straps and is designed to stay in place even through starts and turns. The device transmits sound through bone conduction and has a range of up to 150 meters. This poolside transmitter system delivers the coach’s voice to as few as one or multiple waterproof devices worn by swimmers. Each swimmer equipped with a receiver can receive individual communications from the coach or can be addressed simultaneously as a team through the devices.

The durability and range of the CoachCom system makes it an excellent addition to any indoor or outdoor pool swimming, open water swimming, synchronized swimming, and water polo. It is also an asset for blind or hearing impaired athletes. Without leaving the poolside bench or open water training boat, a coach can give real-time instruction, technique correction and motivation without the athlete missing a moment of training.

The CoachCom transmitter system may be purchased separately or packaged as a coach’s set (waterproof case with 1 transmitter and 3 headsets). Teams wanting to take their training to the next level can purchase the CoachCom transmitter separately while team members purchase CoachCom receivers separately at a team rate, with a portion of sales donated back to the team. Contact an AquaCam sales representative at [email protected] to set up a CoachCom package.

See CoachCom’s HQ here.

Like them on Facebook here. 

Follow them on Twitter here. 

CoachCom (courtesy of CoachCom)

Courtesy of Coachcom, a SwimSwam partner.


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8 years ago

Every swimmers’ nightmare in one product. Truly horrifying

8 years ago

I actually like this…but I was all about the swimmer-coach connection, staying engaged during workout. I think it has big benefits depending on the practice/day and set you’re doing.

8 years ago

Kinda simplistic in sales tactic and doesn’t take into account kinesthetic and visual learners. There’s a reason to haul a swimmer out of the pool and onto the swim deck.

Coachcom user
Reply to  SwimCoach
8 years ago

I am using this regularly and especially for the “kinesthetic learners” this is a great tool. Corrections while in motion is invaluable.
I have been complimented by other coaches during meets that all our swimmers have great technique. We use it for pacing also.

9 years ago

Freedom of speech should be guaranteed for all swimmers. Get out of our heads. We get in our own heads enough as is.

9 years ago

We have been using this for about 8 months and seen BIG improvements.

9 years ago

I’ve been using this as I coach all over Africa and Middle East for the past three years. Not a new device! I find it useful for individual coaching and small groups however younger swimmers do complain that the device hurts.

Reply to  SwimAfrica
9 years ago

In general terms, how young is ‘younger’?

9 years ago

My coach screaming directly into my ears when I should have been safe under the water.
This is the stuff nightmares are made of.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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