Maclin Davis of Montgomery Bell Acadmey Signs with USC. From Left to Right - Father Joe Davis, MBA Head Coach Mike Dobbs, Mom Cindy Davis, Grandfather Maclin P Davis, Jr., Nashville Aquatic Club Head Coach John Morse
Maclin Davis of Montogmery Bell Academy in Tennessee, who is the top 100 butterflier in the class, signed his National Letter of Intent today to swim for Dave Salo and USC. Check out Maclin’s recruiting story here. Also, check out the video of Maclin’s ceremony, where he signs along with Evansville basketball commit David Howard.
Freestyler extraordinaire Michael Haney signs his letter of intent to swim for Cal in this shot. He stands as one of the top-5 short-freestylers in the class.. Read Michael’s recruiting story here.
Cal signee Sam Shimomura of the Santa Clara Swim Club signs his letter of intent. He will serve as a counterpart to Haney, as he specializes in the longer freestyles, which is emerging as a new strength for the Golden Bears. Read Sam’s recruiting story here.
Camilla Czulada of Wilson High School in Reading, Pennsylvania will swim next fall for James Madison. Czulada is a very good middle-distance freestyler with bests of 52.2/1:51.1/4:55.1 in the three free races. Those times will instantly make her a huge relay contributor for the Virginia-based school, and should put her in at least two A-finals at the CAA Championships as a freshman.