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Michael Andrew Gets His Unicorn, Breaks National Age Group in 50 Yard Free

In the movie Gone in 60 Seconds, starring the ubiquitous Nicolas Cage, there’s a scene where his character talks about Eleanor, the car that he keeps trying to steal but can’t, and for him that’s a 1967 Mustang code named ‘Eleanor’. And at the end of the day, with the whole plot on the line, he gets it, he gets his unicorn, his Eleanor.

Well, with just a few weeks until he ages up, Michael Andrew has gotten his Eleanor. He swam a 19.85 in the 50 yard free on Saturday night at the Jenks Sectional in Oklahoma, breaking the National Age Group Record that seems to, ironically, have been the hardest for him to get at the 13-14 level (among his wheelhouse events, at least).

That broke the 20.02 that Arizonan Ryan Hoffer swam in 2013 and makes Andrew the youngest swimmer ever under 20 seconds in the event. Hoffer now holds the National Age Group Record for 15-16’s already at a 19.54, but Andrew’s not far off of that time either.

Andrew now has 8 out of 14 yards-course National Age Group Record offered for 13-14’s. This break means officially that the list of ones he holds is longer than the ones he doesn’t:

Michael Andrew Records:

  • 50 free – 19.85
  • 100 free – 44.16
  • 100 back – 48.10
  • 100 breast – 54.04 (pending ratification)
  • 100 fly – 47.47
  • 200 fly – 1:46.29
  • 200 IM – 1:47.44
  • 400 IM – 3:52.08

Non Michael Andrew Records:

  • 200 free – Maxime Rooney – 1:38.42
  • 500 free – Alex Katz – 4:26.73
  • 1000 free – Matthew Hirschberger – 9:02.37
  • 1650 free – Arthur Frayler – 15:14.17
  • 200 back – Benjamin Ho – 1:45.73
  • 200 breast – Reece Whitley – 2:00.14

Now that the 50 is gone, perhaps we’ll see him change his focus for these last two weeks and take a shot at some of the records that he’s not traditionally associated with, like the 1000 or 1650 free. Either way, this has been another absurd year of swimming for Michael Andrew, and a level of age group dominance that we haven’t seen in a decade.

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10 years ago

I was there watching my just turned 15-year old who has been swimming at he same age group meets with Michael for years. It was awesome to see him break the 50 free record – we have a great pic of everyone lined up against the wall in the warm-up pool watching the race. And it was very cool to see Steve Crocker (who was a world record 50 free styler at on point in his career) present him with his award.

10 years ago

Does anyone remember when Ryan Murphy had the 15-16 NAGR in the 50 free with a 20.02 just a little over 2 years ago?

Reply to  G
10 years ago

Shoot, I remember watching Leffie break the record, going 20.2(?) In the mid to late 90s. I believe it progressed from him to Mike(Milorad) a few years later, than to Bubolz after that, where it sat for near a decade until Murphs snagged it. There was a definite line, around 2011-12, where the age-group sprinters went ape, and we should expect that to roll over to the college ranks and beyond, in a similar fashion to how the backstrokes experienced explosive progression just a few, short years earlier(’09ish). Although, Bubolz was ahead of the game on that count, as well, as he held the NAG at 48 low in about 2002/3, if memory serves.(I’m not as nerdy as you think,… Read more »

10 years ago

Looking at the results it appears he has broken the 200 back now as well. He went 1:45:1

10 years ago

Every day I change my mind about what his best event is, it’s incredible. Love and joy are obviously always a big help, and having a god is just one form of many effective sports psychologies that helps some folks, but I’m starting to wonder if there isn’t something to USRPT and P2Life too, even though, as a scientist, I must admit the “N” is still very small. I’d like to se a Center of Excellence club take on the mantle of USRPT specialty club so that it could be studied more efficiently and scientifically, and/or maybe the USOC/USSwimming center in Colorado Springs should do that.

I read on the P2Life website main page that 40% of the US… Read more »

Reply to  liquidassets
10 years ago

Pretty sure USS Swimming and the USOC did not pay/sponsor that. In fact a lot of those Olympians actually approached P2Life after hearing about the success other swimmers were having with it. As for the ladies, many of them to my knowledge don’t really take any supplements for some reason.

10 years ago

Meh. Let’s see if he can go under 15:00 for the 1650 before he turns 15. Then I’ll be impressed.

Reply to  liquidassets
10 years ago

I almost missed the sarcasm there. Glad I caught it, I would’ve looked outright silly haha.

10 years ago

“…breaking the National Age Group Record that seems to, ironically, have been the hardest for him to get…”

How is that ironic?

Josh Davis
10 years ago

Recipe to become the fastest 14 and under ever:

No pullbuoys, no paddles, no kickboards, no kick sets, no 200’s, no 500’s, no 1000’s, no 2 hour workouts, no 3 hour workouts, no drylands, no weights, no building the base, no extreme soreness or fatigue, no taper….

Just a lot of fast 25’s with perfect technique to train your neural-muscular system, a lot of P2Life to refuel your body, a lot of unconditional love from your awesome family to fill up your heart and a lot of the joy of the Lord to strengthen your spirit.

Ingredients of an Ultimate Swimmer: USRPT, P2Life, Love, Joy, God

Thanks for having the courage to trust and try. Thanks for showing us… Read more »

Reply to  Josh Davis
10 years ago

” no building the base” <– He most certainly IS building the base, albeit a base specific to racing (which is much, much more important than a "general aerobic swimming base"). This is what most coaches seem to forget!!! 😀

Reply to  Josh Davis
10 years ago

thanks for the religious and corporate advertising, josh.

Reply to  swimcoach
10 years ago


Reply to  Hulk Swim
10 years ago

Haha totally, MA would be nothing without P2Life, and don’t y’all forget it! 😛

Josh Davis
Reply to  SprintDude9000
10 years ago

ya’ll make me laugh….love you guys:)

bobo gigi
10 years ago

Talking about Cassidy Bayer, Andrew Seliskar and Janet Hu, there’s an interesting meet hosted by NCAP this weekend with the PVS junior and senior championships. Probably a last preparation meet before NCSA junior nationals.

Notable swims

Women’s 200 free
2nd. Janet Hu in 1.46.86
3rd. Cassidy Bayer in 1.49.11. New PR for her.
Women’s 100 breast
1st. Janet Hu in 1.02.71. New PR for her
Men’s 100 fly
1st. Sean Fletcher in 46.84
Men’s 4X200 free relay
Andrew Seliskar has led-off the NCAP relay in 1.35.61.
Men’s 200 breast
1st. Andrew Seliskar in 1.54.35. New PR for him
2nd. Carsten Vissering in 1.56.70
Women’s 50 free
1st.… Read more »

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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