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Mayor of LA Claims Bid Has Full Support of Donald Trump for LA2024

It’s hard to say which is more controversial: a federal law that might discriminate against certain groups unfairly, or non-compliance with a federal law that some have deemed unconstitutional even though it was drafted by democratically-elected officials.  There are quite a few arguments that could be made for either side, but the point is, President Donald Trump‘s stance on immigration and his efforts to stop the entry of both undocumented immigrants and refugees from war-torn areas has struck a chord with many.

Los Angeles, which has branded itself as an accepting and inclusive city–particularly as bidding for the right to host the 2024 Olympic Games has intensified–is one of a handful of “sanctuary cities” that has defied federal orders to provide information to federal agents about members of its incarcerated population that do not have documents definitively proving they are US citizens. Additionally, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti has partnered with a coalition of mayors from across the country to defy the president’s orders and continue to be inclusive and accepting of all people. Though the Trump administration has threatened to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities, Garcetti claims President Trump fully supports LA’s 2024 Olympic bid.

In addition to President Trump’s support, the LA2024 bid boasts an 88% approval rating among Los Angelenos.  By contrast, Budapest, which withdrew its bid to host the 2024 Games some months ago, was petitioned by concerned citizens that did not want to see major spending on Olympic venues.

As LA2024 hopes to reinvigorate the Olympic brand with with a low-cost, low-risk Games that “will foster a new, enduring connection to the world’s youth via the unique intersection of technology, entertainment and new media,” so too does Garcetti hope that by hosting the Games the United States does not become “more insular.”  Despite Garcetti’s refusal to comply with President Trump’s efforts to detain and deport tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants, Mayor Garcetti claims LA2024 “has the support of the President” and that the Trump endorsement is separate from other political matters where they may disagree.  Furthermore, Garcetti believes hosting the Olympics represents and opportunity for the country to “come together and be unified.”

Though athletes and historians alike fear Trump’s policies will harm LA’s chances of winning the bid for 2024, Trump claims the IOC is very happy LA2024 has his support.  In spite of their differing policies on immigration and asylum for refugees from 6 majority-Muslim countries, Garcetti and Trump both want the IOC to vote LA.

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7 years ago

I was reading Time mag in a cafe ( both very rare for me) .The issue was about the trillions of $ infrastructure needed in the US .The article set out an imaginative plan with good ideas etc . The sad thing is that it will never happen . The Us has a choice – this or the military industrial complex 800 foreign bases & unfinished wars .( hello Sth Korea) SF in 120 countries .

I don’t know that the US needs an Olympics .The recent histories of Olympics impact is not good . 2012 – scots wanted to leave within 2 years . 2014 – proxy war against Russia , 2016 – Brazil regime change , Sth Korea… Read more »

7 years ago

Ilegal immigration is illegal immigration. Has to be stopped somehow. The problem is what to do with those already in the US illegally. The level of legal immigration is too high and quite frankly unsustainable. I mean los Angeles is crowded as hell yet still receives immigrants at a high rate. Senseless.
The government should try to increase the birth rate if they want more tax payers in the future.

As for hosting the olymics. I though the state of California is bankrupt?

M Palota
7 years ago

I apologize in advance to the folks that run Swimswam. This is a swimming website, first & foremost, and political opinions should have no place. And my apologies in advance to the Americans who visit this site but, as it relates to The Donald, I can not be silent.

The Donald is a stain on the great nation that is the United States. He is narcissistic, habitual liar that dishonours America’s place and standing in the world. You – I’m addressing the Americans reading this post – have a great country. You always have. Don’t believe the con man telling you that you didn’t but he can bring it back. It was never gone.

Reply to  M Palota
7 years ago

Apology accepted. But please don’t simplify the problems narrowing them to just Trump personality. It may surprise you that in the matter of illegal immigration a lot of support Mr. Trump got from recent legal immigrants who came to this country after thorough approval process that took sometimes years. From people who came to this place to make it their country splitting in some cases families. Ready to assimilate and to accept American values. You will be surprised that such people are first in line against those who enter this country just jumping over the fence in the night, taking advantage of American hospitality and are ready to come back when nothing left to take without even thinking of paying… Read more »

Reply to  Prickle
7 years ago

What a bunch of whiny hypocrites if that is true.

Steve Nolan
Reply to  M Palota
7 years ago

This kind of sentiment is heartbreaking to me. I deeply wish we were the nation the rest of the world thinks we are.

The US was never as good as you thought, but it’s not as bad as this, either.

Reply to  M Palota
7 years ago

It is gone. Maybe not totally gone but it’s been eroding away for years. There are so many people struggling, living pay check to pay check. Tons of people are buried in debt with no hope of paying it back. There are more hours and less compensation compared to decades ago. Salaries haven’t increased enough along with the rising expenses and cost of living over the years. There are plenty of miserable people out there with worries about money being the major factor. You used to be able to have a factory job and be able to afford a mortgage, car payment, all the essentials, make enough to pay for everything for you kids and let your wife be a… Read more »

Steve Nolan
Reply to  xenon
7 years ago

Aw man, you were doing so well until the end.

Nothing he does will make any of this better, only worse:

Reply to  Steve Nolan
7 years ago

There has always been a very American poverty from the sharecroppers to the ( white) child mill workers in North Carolina who worked the machines whilst dressed in rags . Unbelievable photos filed away in history books .

Or the Chinese contract gangs building the Ca railways , or the Irish immigrants fresh off the boat & into Lincolns army . I love it that you could buy your way out of service by just presenting another substitute bod .

7 years ago

Many people who are posting regularly on this forum are most likely people of retirement or next to retirement age (they have time to be active on this site during entire day 🙂 ) And yet they surprise me with their naivety. When and where in the history of mankind the decision about the host of Olympic Games was made based on respect. Greece maybe, in respect to the traditions. And still I have serious doubts about that.

7 years ago

Not sure why any of this is controversial…ITS THE LAW… (On a side note illegal aliens, aka “undocumented immigrants,” are here ILLEGALLY therefore breaking the law)
Keep your political opinions to yourself Reid and not on swimming blogs.

Reply to  Ono
7 years ago

I don’t actually see where you’re getting that Reid is pushing his political opinions. He’s reporting on other people’s opinions and worries. It is interesting that Trump is supporting the LA bid when they are currently at odds regarding another issue. It’s worth reporting on. When he says athletes and historians alike are worried, he isn’t just making it up– he puts links to stories about said athletes and historians expressing said worries…

I’m sure he has opinions on the matter, but I don’t believe they show in this article. Saying that Donald Trump is controversial or that he has people worried is an objective fact, whether you think it’s warranted or not. I don’t think Reid is wrong… Read more »

7 years ago

You forgot a word: stance on immigration and his efforts to TEMPORARILY stop the entry of both undocumented immigrants and refugees from war-torn areas has struck a cord with many.

Funny how he didn’t ban the 100% Muslim country, Saudi Arabia, where 16 of the 9-11 terrorists came from. or any of the other countries of the other hijackers. And yet it is a Muslim ban. Even though the Chaldeans and atheists and Jews (yes, there are some) living in the temporarily halted countries could not come either.

To this day, even almost 3 months into the Trump administration the USA remains the #1 country in the world for legal immigration and acceptance of refugees.

Reply to  meeee
7 years ago

Funny how Saudi Arabia wasn’t banned.
Trump has business there. That’s the only reason he didn’t ban immigration from it. Your argument is flawed.

Reply to  PACFAN
7 years ago

More Muslim majority countries were not included than were included. And Trump didn’t make the list of nations that engage in state-sponsored terrorism (i.e. the list of nations affected by the travel ban); the Obama administration did.

7 years ago

For some reason I don’t think that increases their chances at all maybe the opposite

Lane Four
Reply to  Uberfan
7 years ago

I tend to agree with you. LA can get the Olympics on their own merit with great facilities, experience and the people to get the job done at a very high level.

Joel Lin
Reply to  Uberfan
7 years ago

Agree. This does nothing to help & likely hurts the bid. Trump has zero respect in the world. Zero.

Reply to  Joel Lin
7 years ago

He has money…
Putin has bought Winter Olympic Games in Sochi paying personal visits first to president Bush and then after that to IOC headquarters. Obama did nothing to support Chicago’s Olympic bid. See the difference?

Reply to  Prickle
7 years ago

Obama swanned into the actual voting event with Hope and Change aloft . Chicago got voted out in the first round . Reality bit .

I can’t remember the other cities in contention for 2014 but why blame Putin . Interestigly Sochi just hosted the World Military Winter Games . Kind of
Ironic isn’t it ?

Btw South Korea – host of 2018 – is flying the flag next & look at them . Regime change , war trumpets , corruption .They got Olympic fever alright .

Reply to  G.I.N.A
7 years ago

I don’t blame Putin. He needed this Games, he got it. He needed World Championships in swimming, he got it. He needs to host FIFA World Cup he will have it.
Panem Et Circenses.
It worked before him it works now and that is probably what explains Trump’s interest in LA’s Olympic bid.

Reply to  G.I.N.A
7 years ago

Picture this, Trump’s limiting immigration from Mexico and Central America has forced politicians there to create a better economy in their home countries. The same thing happen in the 1920’s when the US limited immigration from Eastern Europe and Italy, their economies improved.

Joel Lin
Reply to  Prickle
7 years ago

Olympic bids for US cities don’t involve federal funds (or should they). Chicago was a half enthused & poorly financed bid. Enthusiasm by local politicians & Chicago voters wasn’t high to take on debt either.

LA is a very well organized bid with an excellent financial plan.

I don’t see any political item to invoke the “yeah, but Obama” clause into any of this. Trump has already cemented his place as a terrible president and a worse human being. Hack attempts to rehabilitate that is a waste of time to humor.

Reply to  Joel Lin
7 years ago

I don’t know details of this process and therefore won’t argue. I also have no desire to discuss Trump. It is really a question of people’s principles and preferences – very slippery road. But I know that the President of United States is a powerful and influential figure who has in his possession numerous ways including financial ones(direct or indirect) to bring Olympic Games on American soil.
To refuse such support will be (how to put it politely) a STUPID thing to do.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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