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Masters Swimming Ontario Suspended, 2016 Canadian Masters Nationals Loses Sanction

Masters Swimming Ontario has been suspended and is no longer in good standing with Swim Ontario, its provincial governing body.

An email from Swimming Canada last week notified all provincial sections that Masters Swimming Ontario was no longer in good standing with Swim Ontario, and had therefore lost its Swimming Canada sanctioning on all events.

The e-mail specifically noted that the 2016 Masters Swimming National Championships, slated to be held in Etobicoke, Ontario, had lost its sanctioning.

Losing Swimming Canada sanctioning means that “any participants attending these events, in any capacity, are not covered by the policies, procedures or insurance of Swimming Canada and its members,” according to the e-mail.

When reached for comment, Swimming Canada noted that provincial body Swim Ontario was the suspending organization, not Canada’s national swimming federation. The Swimming Canada e-mail was the national body’s way of fulfilling their due diligence in alerting their members to Masters Swimming Ontario’s status.

Swim Ontario had no official comment on the matter, but Swimming Canada did say that discussions between the involved parties are ongoing.

UPDATE: Masters Swimming Canada released a statement Tuesday noting that all parties were collaborating on a solution to the issue:

We are aware of the situation between Masters Swimming Ontario and Swim Ontario.  We want to assure members that all parties are working together to resolve the matter and we are confident we will achieve a positive outcome soon.

-Masters Swimming Canada President Dave Wilkin

You can read the full Swimming Canada email here.

The 2016 Canadian Masters Swimming Championships are set to take place starting on May 20, 2016 in Etobicoke, a municipality within the city of Toronto, Ontario.

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8 years ago

And here we are a year and a half later back in a worse situation with the same people causing it.

Ontario Masters swimmers unable to compete at Canadian Masters Nationals or Worlds this year.

When will enough be enough and we can get rid of MSO as they are the ones who are constantly causing all of the problems?

9 years ago

Here is the statement issued Wednesday by MSO to all of its member clubs:

9 years ago

Retour des sanctions pour Maîtres Nageurs Ontario
TORONTO – Maîtres Nageurs Canada a le plaisir de confirmer un retour des sanctions pour l’ensemble
des activités et évènements entrepris par Maîtres Nageurs Ontario. Dans une lettre rendue publique
aujourd’hui par Natation Canada, le directeur général Ahmed El-Awadi déclarait : « L’association Maîtres
Nageurs Ontario, ainsi que tous ses participants et membres, de même que les manifestations et
évènements qui y sont reliés, est désormais en règle, ce qui fait que son statut est aujourd’hui
pleinement rétabli, avec effet immédiat, tant sur le plan national qu’international. »
Les Championnats provinciaux de Maîtres Nageurs Ontario se dérouleront donc du 2 au 4 avril 2016,
tandis… Read more »

9 years ago

TORONTO – Masters Swimming Canada is pleased to confirm the restoration of sanctioning for all
events and activities undertaken by Masters Swimming Ontario. In a letter released today by Swimming
Canada, the CEO, Ahmed El-Awadi, stated “Masters Swimming Ontario and all and any participants,
members or events related to Masters Swimming Ontario are now in good standing and are
subsequently restored, effective immediately, both domestically and internationally.”
The Ontario Masters Provincial Championships on April 2nd to 4th, 2016, and the Masters Swimming
Canada National Championships being held May 20th to 23rd, 2016 (all hosted by Etobicoke Olympium
Masters Aquatic Club), will go on as scheduled.
Masters Swimming Canada’s Executive Director stated “we… Read more »

9 years ago

Can someone just tell people the truth…what is going on here? No one seems to want to be forthcoming/honest (none of the governing bodies…why do they all hide from the truth? – should they not be transparent with their members?). I also believe that we, in the community, should not have to stifle ourselves from having the discussion and allowing our opinions to be heard. Maybe someday it will be more about sport & healthy lifestyles rather than legalities and political undertones . . .

9 years ago

Notice to clubs and members from the Board of Masters Swimming Ontario
Many clubs and members of MSO have been made aware in the last few days that there are currently some issues in dispute between MSO and Swim Ontario.
We want to assure clubs and members that we are in active discussions at the highest level with Swim Ontario to resolve these matters as soon as possible. This week and next, with the support and assistance of Masters Swimming Canada and Swimming Natation Canada, further talks are scheduled.
We are optimistic that a resolution satisfactory to all can be reached shortly. In the meantime, training and practices at all MSO clubs can and should continue as… Read more »

Reply to  Alisa
9 years ago

Since the suspension started in June does this invalidate swims from last summer? If so John Calnan’s great swims at USMS are wiped out.

9 years ago
9 years ago

I was told that MSO had sanctioning authority delegated to them years ago. Perhaps Swim Ontario was taking it back? Even if MSO has its own insurance it would not cover out of province swimmers unless their PSO says they are covered at Nationals. The bigger issue is the lack of sanctioning AKA no FINA top tens for MSO swimmers or swims done at MSO meets. No out of province meets for MSO members unless they register elsewhere.

Reply to  Bo
9 years ago

Provincial bodies (MSO & SO) and National bodies (MSC &SNC) are in communications to resolve the issue. they all work towards a solution that will serve its masters membership.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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