Lindsey Horejsi blasts 100 breast National Record at the Minnesota State High School Girls meet, and talks about her amazing swim, how she dropped time, and what she did differently this last year. She discusses the value of giving things a chance and being willing to make changes.
Her Head Coach of Albert Lea High School Swimming, John Schmitz, and Assistant Coach, Joey Clapp (Assistant Erik Johnson also supported her but is not in interview), also share their perspective, her training sets, and things she used to do before committing to just swimming.
In this video, check out Lindsey’s 100 breast final swim as well.
Lastly, Visitation State Record Holder, Abbie Dolan, and Breck state champions, Bre Thorne and Allyssa Phelps talk about their team getting 1st (Visitation, Abbie), and 2nd (Breck, Bre and Allyssa) respectively, and their individual and relay wins.
A shoutout to these swimmers club teams and coaches as well:
Lindsey Horejsi – Mantas Swim Club
Abbie Dolan – Blackline
Bre Thorne – Aquajets
Allyssa Phelps – Aquajets
Video interviews and filming by Olympian, Katrina Radke (katrinaradke_).
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Congrats! Great swims all-around, best of luck in the future!