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Michael Phelps Google Trends Data: Who Loves Him The Most?

Google Trends helps reveal where MP’s biggest fans reside within the U.S. and worldwide.


Shouts From The Stands: Synchronized Swimming: Is It Really A Sport?

Is synchronized swimming really a sport? Despite the doubt of many people, synchronized swimming is one of the most underrated but most difficult sports, and it certainly deserves to be in the Olympic games.


10 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Swimmer Snow Day

Snowed in? You’re not off the hook when it comes to taking your swim game to the next level.

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Do You Even 50, Bro?

Do you ever wonder if you’re cut out for the 50 free? Check out this video to watch Trent Williams break it down for us.


Baby #2 on the Way for Olympic Champ Dana Vollmer

The 2012 Olympic gold medalist and her husband, Andy Grant, are expecting their 2nd child in July 2017.


Omaha’s Convention Authority Attributes Big Profits To ’16 Swim Trials

2016 U.S. Swimming Trials helped contribute to record profits within Omaha’s Convention Authority.

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8 Things to Remind Yourself When You Hit Your Midseason Slump

We all get to that point in the season- it’s been going on for months already, the holidays have come and gone, and staring at a black line is starting to get old. The initial excitement for the season has worn off and you feel like you just need a break already. Here’s 8 things to tell yourself when you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts during practice:

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David Plummer Retires With Heartfelt Letter To Family, Competitors

It was as good a redemption story as you’ll find: David Plummer made the U.S. Olympic team for Rio four years after finishing a heart-breaking third at 2012 Trials. Now, with Olympic gold and bronze to his name, Plummer is officially retiring from the sport.


Can We Build A Better College Meet Schedule?

As a collegiate distance swimmer, I had plenty of things to gripe about to my mid-distance counterparts: more monotonous workouts, a shorter taper timeline, and a distinct lack of yoga during morning practices.


How Much Does Taper Matter?

Taper: one of the few words in the English language that trumps an all-you-can-eat buffet to set a swimmer’s heart aflutter. Swimmers have their own taper superstitions and rituals.


How Much Faster Do Swimmers Get In College?

One of the most fundamental aspects of a swimmer’s season is improvement – only one swimmer can win Olympic gold in each event, but every swimmer has the opportunity to measure success or not against their own best times.


Former Texas Swimmer, 1980 Olympic Hopeful Gives TED Talk

Lidia Yuknavitch, an elite swimmer turned writer, discusses the importance and beauty of reinventing oneself after failure.


Ledecky’s Rio Goals 3 Years Out: 3:56, 8:05 and Win 200 Free (VIDEO)

USA Swimming continues to profile some of the stars of the 2016 Olympics, this week posting a video highlighting Katie Ledecky. Of note: Ledecky recounts her Rio goals from three years earlier – and no surprise, she nailed all three.


3 Things Swim Parents Can and Cannot Control

We’re our children’s major role models, and they learn from us how to act when things don’t go well.

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LeBron James Gives Post-Dunk Nod To Michael Phelps

LeBron James of Phelps, “Just recognizing greatness, that’s all that’s about.”