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5 Tips for Swim Parents to Handle Conflicts with Coaches

Have you ever questioned your kids’ coach or had a conflict? If so, how you handle situations may determine if your child benefits or is harmed from your involvement.


5 Ways Swimming Has Changed For Our Kids

Parents who are former swimmers have an advantage over us, non-swimming parents. They understand first hand about the hard work and effort that goes into swimming on a daily basis.


Learning From 2016, As Told By A College Athlete

2016 was one of the most challenging and difficult years of my life, but it was also the year that taught me the most lessons.


Swim Parent Tip: Seeing the Big Picture and Trusting the Coach

Swim parents sometimes wonder: “Why is my swimmer in all these hard events?” or “It’s the beginning of the season. My swimmer isn’t going to do well.”


25 Coaches Share What They Think Is The Hardest Event

We all know swimming is one of the hardest sports out there, if not the hardest. But it is often debated what the hardest event in our sport is.


Shouts From The Stands: Building The Banks Of The River

SwimSwam welcomes reader submissions about all topics aquatic, and if it’s well-written and well-thought, we might just post it under…


4 Things Coaches Love To See From Their Swimmers

To many, it appears pretty straight forward what a swim coaches job is, what they like about it, and what they aren’t crazy about.


Viking Says: Technology is Coming for Us

“I will be especially nice to you when you are in my people aquarium.”


3 Tips For Swim Parents about Personal Best Times

#2 – Don’t focus on the times or you may kill your swimmer’s enthusiasm for the sport.


How To Build A Champion Powered Travel & Food Plan

I’m sitting on a 3.5-hour airplane ride and the thought occurred to me that most people really struggle with their food plan when traveling.

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Strength & Conditioning: Building Strength For A Long Season

Each year, swimmers cycle through an important phase of their training: preseason strength and conditioning. It follows the much-needed holiday…

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Do Our Kids Learn Ethics in the Pool?

How do our kids get ethics from their swim team? Who do they learn ethics from?


Read This if a Plateau is Making You Want to Quit

If a plateau is causing you to doubt your love for the sport of swimming, wait a minute. Think about all the time and energy you’ve dedicated to your sport. Think about all the strength you’ve built over the years, the resiliency you’ve shown, and how far you’ve come from when you started.

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UNO Swimmer Shares Experience From Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting

Thanks to University of Nebraska – Omaha junior Olivia McLain for sharing what she and her team experienced at the Fort Lauderdale airport earlier this month.


What Should Your Child Eat At Swim Meets?

I discussed this question with several swim moms from a variety of backgrounds, including two nurses, former swimmers, athletes, a dietitian and parents of Olympians, to find out their advice about nutrition at meets.