Do you like swimming? If not, you’re probably not reading this website. Do you love prizes? If not, then you’re probably not human. A slew of recent contests strive to bring two of our favorite things (swimming and prizes) together into one glorious collaboration of fan-frenzy. Two are by stalwarts within the swimming industry, and the 3rd is a bit of a curveball, but certainly welcomed to the table with their $1,000 ante.
The first is a contest by Speedo USA revolving around their “America’s Swim Team” contest. Clubs across the nation were invited to send in video submissions (and they received a ton of very impressive videos), but the winners were the Paducah Swim Team in Paducah, Kentucky (way out on the Western tip of the state). Paducah’s entry was entitled “We Are Swimmers” and can be seen below.
For their efforts, the team will earn air-time on the jumbotron at a major National meet, as well as a visit from a National Team swimmer.
Click here to see all of the semi-finalists.
The second contest is a bit out of left-field, but is one that many swimmers will be interested in. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is offering a $1,000 prize for the best video that addresses water health. Specifically, they are looking for a video that will address how to prevent swimmer’s ear, following their recent study that the condition costs Americans half-a-billion dollars in doctors’ visits every year. To see more details about how to enter this contest, click here.
Not the creative type? Can’t afford a video camera because you spent all of your money on goggles and swimsuits? The third contest, presented by Speedo UK, is the easiest of them all, with perhaps the best prize. Through May 31st, Speedo will be accepting entrants to win a trip (airplanes, tickets, and hotels) to Shanghai for this summer’s World Championships. The best part: all you have to do to enter is to go to the event page, fill out your name and email address, click a few boxes, and you’re done! To enter the Speedo contest, click here.
Unfortunately, this contest is open only to fans in the UK. No word on whether or not Speedo USA or any of the other arms plan on matching it.
The Speedo UK contest is only open to, naturally, residents of the UK.