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How to Get The 170-Page Data-Rich Editorial Olympic Guide By Swimming Stats

This is an ad-free, one-off, 170-page editorial guide. 

Swimming Stats and SwimSwam are proud to present our definitive Tokyo 2021 Olympic Guide, which will provide all of the information you need to follow along with the swimming events at the upcoming Olympic Games.

The guide has been in development over the past few months, and we can assure you that there’s nothing out there quite like this in the sport. This tool is invaluable for global media who will be covering the swimming portion of the upcoming Olympic Games.

As we’ve noticed growing interest in swimming statistics, projections, historical rankings and records via the Swimming Stats by SwimSwam Instagram page, this guide will be an indispensable tool for your use as the swimming events unfold in Tokyo, beginning July 23.

Inside the guide you will find detailed stats about Olympic swimming history, along with the top 16 athlete profiles in each event—including open water events—as well as historical rankings and records, all-time tables, trivia, etc. Each event is covered in 3-4 pages, with the guide totalling 170 pages.

It is highly recommended for those who will be working on Olympic coverage (press, media, commentators, coaches etc.), as well as for swimming nerds around the world.

This is a result of years of hard work and dedication. Most of the data and information available in this guide is not accessible anywhere else. It is a truly prime product like none other in swimming market.

The guide can be yours for a one-time payment of $199 (USD). You can buy the guide here.

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3 years ago

In a few months you should offer it again for $34.99. Let the media companies pay $200 now and then once the Olympics are over and the market for something like that dries up, you can create a new market by selling it cheaper to swim nerds. Please?

Reply to  Willswim
3 years ago


Reply to  Willswim
3 years ago

change your name to robinhood, Sir Willswim

3 years ago

Is there a way to print this so it can be referred to as a hard copy?

Reply to  Jumbotron
3 years ago

Yeah just kill about 10 trees & a couple Benjamins and you should have everything you need

Reply to  Deepblue
3 years ago

Responsible paper usage aside, the stats book is embedded online and there’s no way to save or print it or even search for text in the document. Not a very effective method for easily finding stats on a particular event.

Reply to  Jumbotron
3 years ago

PrntScr, open in Microsoft Paint, crop, then print. Rinse, repeat 144 times?

Mark Rauterkus
3 years ago

Waiting for the $4.99 ebook made with recycled electrons.

3 years ago

Can’t drop $200 on this, but would still love to have one (even after the Olympics)…perhaps you guys can put them on sale a few months after the olympics at a fan price? pretty please

Swim Dad
3 years ago

Is that price a typo? You can’t be serious about $199?

3 years ago

I am a swim nerd, but $200 is too much :(((

3 years ago

It is for media and such

B1G Daddy
Reply to  Bruh
3 years ago

As a member of the media let me just say, that’s a ridiculous price point.

Troll Longhorn
3 years ago

Inflation is rampant

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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