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How Michael Andrew Recovers Between Races: GMM Presented by

Gold Medal Minute presented by

Michael Andrew captured 5 titles at the Des Moines Pro Swim, many of which were swum back-to-back. He worked through a lot doubles. In this episode he talks about recovery between races and how he’s experimenting with RPR (reflexive performance reset).

As always Michael is keeping it fresh, trying new things, and he loves living and training in SoCal.  According to him he’s surfing and lifting weights, though he adds that he’s not hitting the gym in a traditional way.

Predictions. What’s Michael Andrew dropping in the 50m free at 2019 World Championships this summer? He was 21.46 to win Pan Pacs last summer. I think anything around 21.2 puts him in the hunt for gold at Worlds, and it will set him up for a great 2020 U.S. Olympic Trials in Omaha. Caeleb Dressel? The big question is if can he get back to 21.1, his time from the 2017 World Championships where he earned gold. I think so. I think Dressel is the favorite this summer, but after Michael’s breakout 2018,  he’s got confidence and momentum, which matters in the nitro event. So much of the 50 free, after all the work has been done, is a head game.  What do you think?

Follow Michael Andrew on Instagram here.  


This is a Gold Medal Media production presented by Host Gold Medal Mel Stewart is a 3-time Olympic medalist and the co-founder of, a Swimming News website.

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6 years ago

You live in California San Diego is probably the best choice not as expensive as the Bay Area or La-OC, not as hot as the inland empire or Bakersfield.

Coming around
6 years ago

Stay with me for a minute. I must admit that I haven’t really been sure what to make of MA: personally or his training methods. I’m not a newcomer to this site, and while his accomplishments and methods have long been a topic of discussion in these forums, I didn’t really pay much attention to him until his trip to Pan Pacs last summer. I just didn’t feel that he represented the swimming world I knew and loved: a world where there are no shortcuts and where vlogging yourself to maintain your brand at a team meet is off-putting. HOWEVER, I must say I have come around to MA. I now view him as an industry disrupter, and a very… Read more »

6 years ago

One of the greatest sprinters in the world is starting to experiment with lifting. I would have thought this would have been more surprising/newsworthy to many beause, a. He’s gotten this far without it, and b. What might be possible once he adds more strength.

Reply to  Jpsteady
6 years ago

+ he is surfing a lot – that addition to his training ( providing more fun to his life ) will very beneficial for the next 18 months , thats is obvious and fantastic

Reply to  Gold Medal Mel Stewart
6 years ago

Coleman making us all envy his dream job..

Reply to  Leclave
6 years ago

Coleman + Mel = great coverage Team 🌈

Reply to  Gold Medal Mel Stewart
6 years ago

Excellent ideas Mel – excited to see you coverage on those areas of Michael’s life .

6 years ago

21.28 for Andrew this summer . Proud ? 21.10 … and Dressel around 21.20 – Hard to say but that sounds about what i feel right now .

Joel Lin
6 years ago

Proud could be under 21 this summer. The real question is will Dressel be there with him? Ability wise Dressel has it all, but Proud is so strong now it will take every bit of Dressel’s best to win it.

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Joel Lin
6 years ago

Saw interesting video of Greg Troy giving a talk at ASCA Worlds about Dressel’s starts. The guy’s vertical leap was 30 inches when he came to UF and is 41 inches now. Said that the reason Proud beat him in the 50 fly at Worlds was because Dressel’s block had some greasy substance on the hand grip, and he slipped on his pulldown (whatever, if it wasn’t a motorcycle accident, it was someone sabotaging his block). Said his Pan-Pacs summer disaster was because they didn’t work consistently on starts. At Dressel’s best, though, Proud is still equal to him with his start to 15 m. MA is probably the fastest swimmer from there to the wall. Assuming he doesn’t false… Read more »

Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
6 years ago

I don’t understand what you just said please explain?

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  50_SF
6 years ago

A) Through dryland training, Dressel’s vertical leap increased 11 inches to an NBA level 41 inches.
B) Although Dressel was first in prelims and semis of the 50 fly at 2017 Worlds, Proud beat him in the finals. Dressel told Troy (who then told the ASCA audience) that his block at the far end (50 end) had a greasy substance under the front lip, so that when he pulled on the block (he believes you pull on the block as hard as you push with your legs), his hands slipped and he had a slow start. Troy semi-jokingly said another competitior might have greased it. (C) Proud’s start is insane, mainly his momentum that carries him to 15 meters.… Read more »

Mr Piano
Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
6 years ago

Proud always even with Dressel at 15m? Not sure which races you were watching lol.

Idk if you are a swimmer, but arms are a vital part of a good start.

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Mr Piano
6 years ago

Watching the one where he beat him in the next lane. Never said arms weren’t important, but probably unlike a piano, me, a human who’s swum competitively for about 30 years and set some records along the way, actually timed both of them to 15 meters when Proud set the textile WR and Dressel did his best. If you think Dressel beats Proud to 15 meters, you’re going to be in for a big disappointment this summer.

Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
6 years ago

I just rewatched the WC 50 free final. The video wasn’t the best angle on the start but then switched to an overhead view which was clear. At about 16/17m Dressel had a stroke lead on Proud. I doubt they were even at 15m and then Dressel suddenly shot ahead in 2 meters…

Don’t get me wrong, Proud has an incredible start. But so does Dressel. They’ve both beaten the other to 15m and claiming one will or won’t this summer based on last year’s performances is silly.

Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
6 years ago

That was a very patient explanation. Thank you

Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
6 years ago

I don´t know if MA is faster than Frauts on the swimming portion of the race.. as we saw on 2017 World..

Reply to  Rafael
6 years ago

Fratus ….he will be in the conversation most probably for a medal .

Mr Piano
6 years ago

I think Proud, MA and Dressel will all be within .1 of each other

Mr Piano
Reply to  Gold Medal Mel Stewart
6 years ago

Those nail biters are always the best races to watch 🙂

Joel Lin
6 years ago

Getting energy from the earth, man. That’s some solid Gary Hall Jr game.

Gold Medal Mel
Reply to  Joel Lin
6 years ago

A-men to the Hall of sprinting energy (Gia) – Ha!

6 years ago

Can’t leave Proud out of the conversation. Fastest man ever in textile, and he did it only last year.

Gold Medal Mel
Reply to  Togger
6 years ago


About Gold Medal Mel Stewart

Gold Medal Mel Stewart

MEL STEWART Jr., aka Gold Medal Mel, won three Olympic medals at the 1992 Olympic Games. Mel's best event was the 200 butterfly. He is a former World, American, and NCAA Record holder in the 200 butterfly. As a writer/producer and sports columnist, Mel has contributed to Yahoo Sports, Universal Sports, …

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