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Happy New Year, and Many Thank Yous from SwimSwam

Happy New Year to all of our SwimSwam readers! It’s been a crazy year here at the site; we hit the ground running back in March, with NCAA’s looming, and we haven’t stopped yet. We hope that you’re still enjoying what we’re doing and hope to continue to bring you bigger, better, and more entertaining news coverage in 2013.

We would be remiss in this new year not to thank all of the dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people who have helped us get to this point. This has been a truly special year for us, as the swimming community has welcomed us and our perspective with open arms. We’ve cracked 10,000 Twitter followers and nearly 20,000 Facebook fans, and to each and every one of you that supports us with a “like,” or a comment on the site, or a Retweet, or a follow, we thank you all. You’ve all been a huge part of our growth and, even more so, giving us people to talk to, people to listen to, people to have a swimming conversation with. We love you guys, we have fun with you guys, and you guys’ support is what keeps us going.

Thank you first of all to our readers and our active commenters. We have a diverse community of opinions and thoughts and ideas, and I truly believe that you all, through your comments and discussions, have helped shape the sport in the last 9 months.

A second thank you, especially from our news group, to the countless coaches, swimmers, and officials who have shared their view of the sport with us. You all sharing information and insights with us have really helped us to add another layer to swimming coverage; reaching deeper to the stories that really give the full picture of the sport. We know most of you would prefer to remain unnamed, but know that we thank you.

Thank you to Roque Santos and Engine, as well as SwimOutlet. You all have been huge supporters of the site from day 1, heck, even before day 1, and we can’t thank you enough. Engine sent us to Omaha where we had quite a party (one many of you were able to enjoy I hope), and SwimOutlet helped us cover everything from London. All of our other sponsors, big and small, we thank each of you for having faith in us, taking “trust us” as enough of a word to hop on board. If you ever get on this site, enjoy something you read, and see an advertisement, know that the advertisement is here because that company believes in what we do and they want to make sure that we can afford to continue to do it. It’s no coincidence that we partner with the companies that we do. They’re usually SwimSwam readers first, and like all of our readers are passionate about the sport, and those are the kind of people we want to work with.

At risk of life and limb, here’s my best attempt at recalling everyone (named) who has helped us this year. No contribution has been too big or too small. If you’ve been left off the list, please take it as no slight, and feel free to send me a scathing email telling me of my misstep. It’s been a crazy 9 months, and surely we’ve overlooked someone, but here goes nothing:

Dan Meinholz
Katrina Radke
Rich Roll
Travis Burke
Tim McCool
Callum Ng
Ceci Christy
John Mix
David Arluck
Rob Aquatics
Cole Smith
Alexander Sienkiewicz
Andrew Chadeayne
Rick Paine

Jenny Wilson
Tim Binning
Mike Lewis
Reed Shimberg
Matt Salzberg
Liz Dittmer
Brandon Franklin
Jesse Kubanet
Jennifer Schababerle
Chris DeSantis
Michael Klueh
Lauren Neidigh
Justin Galbreath
D’Artagnan Dias
Craig Lord
Chris Morgan
Roque Santos
DA Franklin
Alexandre Pussielidi
Katrina Radke
Chuck Werner
Mike Thompson
Ashley Wozny
Eve and Candace
Emily White
Alex Meyer
Roland Schoeman
Darian Townsend
Catherine Lee
The Swim Nerd
Steven Cebertowicz
Tyler Harris
Tom Miazga
Collin Baldacci
Gary Hall Jr.
David Cromwell
Jennifer Schababerle
Brian Gordon
Welcome to 2013. We hope that everyone is surviving 2013, and please keep bringing us ideas! We love them and look forward to doing our best to fulfill them all.
— The SwimSwam Team

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12 years ago

Happy New Year & keep up the great articles! Looking forward to 2013…

Jason Zajonc
12 years ago

Great job to all at Swim Swam…love the articles from all over. keep up the cool daily post. maybe some of the major swim companies will catch on..Mel you are doing an amazing job for the sport of aquatics…you could do other sports as well no problem. The videos are the best….

12 years ago

In a word: Awesome.
You guys are doing a great job in covering the sport.
I really appreciate it.

12 years ago

Happy New Year SwimSwam!!

And thank you for a great 2012!!

More success to you in the future!!

12 years ago

Thanks for the 24/7 news releases… and being on top of things!

Reply to  WHOKNOWS
12 years ago

Happy New Year and thanks for all you do. Terrific site and the must read spot on the web for all things swimming. Cheers!

12 years ago

I wouldn’t be informed about all i know today without Swimswam . I really enjoyed the whole year intervieuws , feeds , meet recaps & results , training tips , …. was amazing .
Swimming website swammy award 2012 goes to SWIMSWAM .
Wish u all the best this year and more exciting races to come …

jana jaf
12 years ago

Oh, let’s face it – this is my favourite source of world news. The big 3 letter channels just don’t cut it anymore. Best wishes!

12 years ago

Guys just a great job , keep it going in 2013 .

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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