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Haircare and Skincare Company Launches Swim Team

Braden Keith
by Braden Keith 1

February 06th, 2013 Industry, News

From Dr. Andrew Chadeayne, Inventor of SwimSpray:

Swimmers are rapidly learning about SwimSpray’s advances treating chlorine damaged hair and dry itchy pool skin.  Aside from surprising breakthroughs in eliminating chlorine, SwimSpray, LLC has also demonstrated that they are truly a company “by swimmers for swimmers.”

Recently, SwimSpray launched a U.S. Masters Swimming team – Team SwimSpray (SPRY) based in the Potomac Valley LMSC.

Team SwimSpray kicked off its USMS career with a meet-winning performance at the Potomac Valley SCM Relay and Sprint Festival on November 18, 2012.  Since our inception, our ranks have grown as friends and past teammates have joined the team and as fellow swimming enthusiasts have caught sight of the “SWIMSPRAY” logo emblazoned on our team suits and caps at daily workouts.

Competitive swimming has played such a large role in our lives that we will always be swimmers first and entrepreneurs second.  Whether competing at races, watching meets from the stands, or merely heading to the pool early in the morning, all of us inherently seek to be part of the swimming community.

In a similar light, we see our chlorine-removal product, SwimSpray, as a true contribution to the swimming community in that it actually solves one of the top, long-standing complaints associated with swimming, whether competitive or recreational.  Ultimately, SwimSpray is an organization run by swimmers and focused purely on swimmers; Team SwimSpray, meanwhile, allows us to not only put a face behind the name but also continue to train, compete, and enjoy (now) chlorine-free camaraderie.

As Ryan McCabe describes it: “Swimming was a lonely activity for me after I graduated Princeton – until I joined Team SwimSpray.  Everyone realizes the importance of being part of a team and training and racing with swimmers from diverse backgrounds.  This experience has been particularly rewarding, because the nature of the team is so novel.  We aren’t only championing a team, but we’re promoting a product.  I enjoy the start-up atmosphere of the team and watching the start-up company grow in parallel has been very exciting.”

Without a doubt, Team SwimSpray is excited to be a part of the USMS and broader swimming community.  Team SwimSpray will compete at these upcoming races:

According to Peter Wong, SwimSpray has a welcoming membership policy: “If you love swimming and want to swim with a group of like-minded people, you’ll probably fit in with our team.  Just email us at [email protected].”

About SwimSpray: SwimSpray was invented by Dr. Andrew Chadeayne, a former Princeton University swimmer and chemistry Ph.D. from Cornell University. Tired of smelling like chlorine after his swimming workouts, Andrew set out remove chlorine from hair and skin ( SwimSpray works where so many other chlorine-removal products (e.g., swimmers’ shampoos) have failed previously because SwimSpray’s all-natural vitamin C based formula breaks this bond, neutralizing the chlorine, and allowing it to be washed away with your favorite soap or shampoo. Follow him on Twitter @swimspray and fan him Facebook.

SwimSpray is a SwimSwam partner. 

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12 years ago

Great group of people, proud to be a member!

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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