In the SwimSwam Podcast dive deeper into the sport you love with insider conversations about swimming. Hosted by Coleman Hodges, Garrett McCaffrey, and Gold Medal Mel Stewart, SwimSwam welcomes both the biggest names in swimming that you already know, and rising stars that you need to get to know, as we break down the past, present, and future of aquatic sports.
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Music: Otis McDonald
Opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the interviewed guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of the hosts, SwimSwam Partners, LLC and/or SwimSwam advertising partners.
Emily, competing at the Olympics: “Sleep’s not gonna matter. I slept 2h49. I don’t use caffeine, never have”
Me, on a Saturday after 9 hours of sleep and two good meals: “Is a single scoop of preworkout enough before the gym today?🤔”
Thanks for another great SwimSwam PC, Coleman.
This interview was great. Really been waiting for one with Em. One of my favourite races was the 200 back watching some one come back from such a hard time and who was discounted by a lot of people. She may not have that individual Olympic gold but she will forever be a legend of Aus swimming. Thanks so much Coleman.
Great interview!!!
Seebhom is the wonderwoman of aussie swimming
I love these interviews, but I can’t dedicate an hour every day to watching them. Is there any way you guys could break out a few five-minute excerpts, or something like that?
After watching the whole Lydia Jacoby interview, I’m partway through Elizabeth Beisel, and I have Bobby Finke queued up for when I can get to it. I’d like to watch Emily Seebohm as well, but I just don’t see how I’m ever going to get to it.
A transcript would be nice, quicker to read, but understand the limitations.
Podcast feed. Just finished this one while doing a bunch of yardwork.
(I also listen to them sped up, so that helps, too. If I hear one at normal speed Coleman’ll sound drunk to me.)
Again, to keep this site free, Swimswam probably is trying to grow their YouTube traffic to help pay for the costs related to growing the site and keep the unparalleled coverage coming. Especially in non-championship season, they likely need every click they can get so more staff is full time and not only brought in during the summer. Pay someone to cliffnote it for you, imagine Bobo could make quite the living if he ran that.
That’s fine, but I don’t think most Youtube viewers watch for an hour at a time either.
I listen while walking
This is one of my favourite interviews btw. What a legend Emily is. So honest and interesting.
Watch them on 2x speed!
At least the interviews have chapters in them so I just skip to the parts I’m most interested in.
As others have said, listen to them as a podcast rather than physically sitting and watching the interview. I go for an hour long walk every day and the podcast makes that more interesting for me! Or while doing housework, or anything else really.