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Dressel Lowers 100 Free American Record On Lead-Off Leg Of 4×100 Relay


In the first short course metres race of his career, Caeleb Dressel broke the American Record in the 100 freestyle leading off the U.S. team in the 400 free relay, recording a time of 45.66. The team went on to win gold and break the world record in 3:03.03, as Dressel was joined by teammates Blake PieroniMichael Chadwick and Ryan Held.

Held had set the American Record leading off the prelim relay in 45.82, which was also his first ever SCM race. That swim broke the 46.25 mark set by Ian Crocker in 2004, and Pieroni had tied that time in October on one of the World Cup stops.

It’s important to note that Nathan Adrian has been faster, leading off the 400 free relay at the 2009 Duel in the Pool in 45.08 (and going 45.42 individually), but those swims were done in the period where USA Swimming had stopped recognizing American Records done with the rubber suits, so the 45.08 was never officially an American Record. That 45.08 was the opening leg of the old world record in the 400 free relay as well.

Dressel now owns all three American Records in the 100 freestyle, adding short course metres to the SCY and LCM records that he already had. He first broke the yards record in February of 2016 in 41.07, and has consistently been lowering it down to where it is now (39.90), and he cracked the long course record a few times at last summer’s World Championships with his fastest swim being 47.17. By our research, he is the first American man to hold all three 100 free records simultaneously.

In the historical rankings, Dressel now sits 11th all-time in the event.

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6 years ago

Noooo the recording on Olympic channel went long and it stopped right before the men’s relay. Arrrrggghhh

Reply to  Sccoach
6 years ago

I added 30 mins just to be sure. With so many swayed ceremonies you never know…

6 years ago

Please correct the article. Love Dressel but he is not the first American to hold all three 100 free American Records simultaneously. Ever heard of Simone Manuel? She achieved this two years ago.

Caeleb Dressel Will Win 7 Golds in Tokyo
6 years ago

First male.

6 years ago

Never seen so much criticism for someone who just broke the AR. Ok his walls weren’t that great but it is expected from someone who never swam this event in a SCM pool. Still though broke the AR.

6 years ago

Everyone one says that SC Worlds are not fun to watch or not all athletes take it seriously but I got to say its one of my favorites not too often do you get to see American athletes race High class swimmers from all over the world in SCM

6 years ago

Yes, turns we’re definitely off. The extra length isn’t the problem translating from scy to scm, it’s the different stroke count. During NCAA season he trains EVERY day scy and knows the exact stroke cadence, length, count, etc to hit the wall at optimal point in his stroke. Switching to scm isn’t just a matter of adding a stroke or two, it’s retooling everything to try to hit the wall at the optimal point. He looked off by a 1/4 to 1/2 stroke today causing him to glide into the walls.

Reply to  Jvj
6 years ago

Thats because the USA are the only country on earth to swim SCY

running start to touch backstroke flags
Reply to  gregor
6 years ago

Maybe SCY is why USA dominates swimming. Must be since the USA is the only country on earth.


lol thats what you like to think!


I think it has more to do with the abundance of pools and feeder swim leagues (summer league, city teams, lower level age group teams, etc…). And since the majority of these teams have access to scy pools it makes sense that this is what we swim and will continue to swim. The bigger thing is, the use of scy doesn’t seem to have any real effect on most high level swimmers’ ability to adjust to lcm, so why try to adjust a system which will only limit those early levels of swimming?

6 years ago

Would people agree that all of Dressels turns looked off? Glides into the walls and not his usual explosive breakouts. Definitely still adjusting to scm.

Reply to  EasySpeed
6 years ago

I agree with that. And that’s the sort of thing Dressel has shown an ability to adjust as a meet goes on.

6 years ago

Honest question, why isn’t Nathan Adrian’s 45.0 lead-off leg from 2009 Manchester the American Record? The relay swim (was) confirmed as the world record and the split was confirmed as the lead-off split. Help

Reply to  Amunnn
6 years ago

FINA recognizes it USA Swimming does not due to propeller suits apparently

6 years ago

Considering that Chalmers swam faster and this is SC, I can’t imagine Dressel’s swim being more than a 48.1-48.3 LC effort.

Michael Schwartz
Reply to  John26
6 years ago

I’d have to say that a 45.66 SCM feels like a far cry from either 39 high in the 100 Free SCY or 47.1 LCM. Especially considering vlads been 44 this year

Reply to  Michael Schwartz
6 years ago

Yes, this is true. Only blinded Dressel/US fans would think this was a phenomenal swim…It wasn’t bad of course but he should be able to go maybe even a sec faster assuming he is better than Morozov in short course which he should be even if not by much.

Reply to  ITR
6 years ago

being better than Morozov on SCY does not mean he is better on SCM…

Reply to  Rafael
6 years ago

There are 3 kinds of pools, in 2 of them – LCM and SCY – he clearly is better. 1 of those pools also highly correlates with SCM – yards is like what 1-2 strokes shorter than SCM per length. Anyways, I didn’t say he is better, all I said he should be better. I share the opinion that this Dressel is nowhere near the Dressel that swam in Budapest last year.

Reply to  ITR
6 years ago

He is better than Morozov was in 2013 not better than Morozov now if he swims in SCY. i would love to see Morozov go for a 50/100 scy to see what he can go, he is a lot faster in SCM than he was when he swam NCAA’s.

ole 99
Reply to  Lopez
6 years ago

For comparison’s sake, here are Morozov’s times…
50 M Free (SCM)
2013 – 20.59 (18.63 50 Y Free at NCAA)
2018 – 20.48

100 M Free (SCM)
2013 – 45.64 (40.76 100 Y Free at NCAA)
2018 – 44.95

Reply to  Lopez
6 years ago

heres the jokers

Justin Thompson
Reply to  Rafael
6 years ago

Shouldn’t being better than Morozov at SCY and LCM mean he would be better at SCM?

Reply to  ITR
6 years ago

Unless Caeleb goes 43 secs most people will see it as a failure!

Reply to  ITR
6 years ago

Or the fact that it says it was his first SCM competition ever… hasn’t spent nearly as much time getting used to that…

Reply to  John
6 years ago

He swims yards though!

Reply to  Michael Schwartz
6 years ago

most definitely… Peak Dressel would probably be a good second or second and a half faster. Not in top form? Not fully rested? Just a bumpy swim (I heard his turns were poor)? We’ll see what the rest of the week holds. Of course you have to keep things in perspective; no one can be in peak form every time out.

Reply to  Michael Schwartz
6 years ago

It’s worth noting, that Dressel is historically a so-so relay swimmer. I agree with you that 45.66 is a far cry from 39 high (and I doubt he’s in that form right now), but I’m going to hold out for the 100 free to make a judgement. First scm swim, first swim of the meet (from a swimmer who tends to get better as meets go on), and a so-so relay swimmer…I’d say 45.6 is about what I would expect.

ole 99
Reply to  Blackflag82
6 years ago

I don’t know that I agree with the comment that Dressel has historically been a so-so relay swimmer…
48.10 leading off the 4×100 Free relay in Rio. Went 48.02 individually.
47.26 leading off the 4×100 Free relay in Budapest. Went 47.17 individually.
17.8 leading off Florida’s 4×50 Free relay at NCAA. Went 17.6 individually
Flying start vs flat start is a different issue and not relevant to today given he was the leadoff swimmer.

Reply to  ole 99
6 years ago

I would only refer to him as a “so-so relay swimmer” when comparing his relay splits to his individual times. His flat starts are just so powerful and so quick on their own. Usually a relay start gives that extra momentum, which in theory should lead to a relatively faster split. In the case of 2018 NCAA’s I was crazy excited for Dressel’s relay swims after his individual 50/100 frees because I wanted to see how a relay start would add to a 17.6/39.9, but there was little-to-no-difference in times. That’s how I interpret “so-so relay swimmer.” Only when compared to his own times.

Reply to  ole 99
6 years ago

To add in a couple
2017 ncaa 4×100 – 40.48 lead off, versus 40.0 individual
2016 ncaa 4×100 – 40.86 lead off, versus 40.46 individual

What I see is a swimmer who, when leading off, is consistently slower than his in race times. Let’s not overlook that the 50 you mention above was a .18 hundredth difference, which is a huge chunk of time in a 50.

And while you can say the flying start vs. flat start is a different issue, I’m not sure that it actually is when talking about one’s ability as a relay swimmer. There are a fair number of flying start swims that were significantly slower than his flat start times (his… Read more »

Reply to  Blackflag82
6 years ago

is he considered just a so-so relay swimmer? the result of 2018 NCAA ( did not seem to agree especially considered how some of the relay swim is his 3rd swim of a session or 6th swim of the day.

The Ready Room
Reply to  John26
6 years ago

So much hate in this thread for a guy who broke an AR in his first ever SCM swim.

Reply to  The Ready Room
6 years ago

This. It’s his first swim of the meet. His first SCM in a while. Can we not knock him down yet?

Reply to  AvidSwimFan
6 years ago

He also typically gets better as a meet goes on.

Reply to  The Ready Room
6 years ago

Seriously what is wrong with you people?

Drama King
Reply to  John26
6 years ago

Kyle went same time with his poor start, turns and underwaters. Dont think he’s tapered for those world cup circuit races.
So this is not the top form Caleb we saw in Budapest. But still expects some fast swims from in next few days. Possibly 45.3 or 45.4 on individual 100 free.

Drama King
Reply to  Drama King
6 years ago

And i think 45.6 is more like 48 flat in LCM.

About James Sutherland

James Sutherland

James swam five years at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, specializing in the 200 free, back and IM. He finished up his collegiate swimming career in 2018, graduating with a bachelor's degree in economics. In 2019 he completed his graduate degree in sports journalism. Prior to going to Laurentian, James swam …

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