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Cotterell Feels That Australian Swimmers Need to be Tougher

A few weeks ago Brian King‘s name appeared in the press, he is the man now training Sun Yang in Australia.

King, a former assistant Miami Swimming, is now being investigated for how he has treated swimmers throughout his career. In a recent article in the the Daily Telegraph it details some of these events.

He was said to have one swimmer out of the pool on all fours and barking, because in practice he was training like a dog.

“I did not witness it but a parent came straight to me; Brian King had pulled a kid out of the pool and said he was ‘training like a dog,” said Shannon McDonald, the past president of the swim team.

“He made him go and stand at the end of the pool on all fours and said; ‘bark like a dog you are training like a dog’,” she said.

“It is disgusting. That (complaint) went in writing to Denis. He just rubbished it and in some cases he said, ‘I have spoken to Brian about that and he won’t do it again’.”

“The committee did give Brian a letter of warning and attached the ASCTA code of conduct, saying it was unacceptable.”

He also had children do a 1000 fly for punishment.

Denis Cotterell who is the Head Coach of Miami Swimming feels that Australian Children need to toughen up.

“The toughness is so depleted it is not funny,” Cotterell told the Telegraph.

“We have a diminishing pool of people who are naturally tough.

“Done the right way, and I believe we do it the right way, in terms of shaping a character, we can develop a swimmer into a champion.

“The good coaches and clubs provide challenges for these kids and promote challenges in training so that the kids in going after these challenges gain confidence. Our job is to set the challenges and acknowledge the effort it takes to achieve them.

“This is the toughening process.”

“They become tough by training tough and they need to be tough to race tough.”

Many people feel that King’s actions crossed a line and began to make these attacks personal and is now being investigated by both Swimming Australia and the Australian Swim Coaches and Teachers Association. Cotterell still maintains that King has done nothing wrong-

“I used to do that all the time,” Cotterell said. “The thing is the kid didn’t do the 1000, you pull them up after, 200, 300, 400m. You gave them 1000m — you have them think about them and then stop it.

“It’s used as an example for consequences — for being rude. It takes character to be a champion and they are not getting that from their parents and in schools it’s neutered, a lot of teachers are neutered by bureaucrats. It’s a development we take very seriously.”

Many of these actions were brought up to Cotterell who in an article published today explained that he felt that the allegations were over exaggerated. Cotterell labelled the majority of complaints levelled by “precious” parents at King when he was at Miami as “absolute rubbish”

Cotterell has coached a long list of champions including Grant Hackett, Daniel Kowalski and Giaan Rooney.

He also mentored Chinese prodigy Sun Yang, who won gold in the 400m and 1500m freestyle at the 2012 London Olympics.

Cotterell currently coaches 10 Chinese swimmers in his squad at Miami, and noted they never miss a session.


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9 years ago

How much did Denis know about Brian King’s lack of actual credentials?

Was he as duped as the rest of us or did he just employ him anyway?

And how on earth did this man explain away all the inconsistencies? Or did employers just not check?!!

9 years ago

Listen guys back in Russia 30 years ago my mom was on the national team and she had much worse things done to her. Her coach would beat her with a kick board over the head for swimming poorly and some swimmers were locked in the noodle bin for minutes and had buckets of water poured on them. These kids need to toughen up, their just little pansy’s who can’t handle the real world. Humiliation always works how else are you going to get these spoiled rotten brats to behave properly.

Reply to  Mikhail05
9 years ago

MIKHAIL05, you are clearly ill informed and completely ignorant as to the situation we are discussing. For the record, most of the kids we are discussing here are NOT pansies or spoilt brats. They were hard working, well mannered, disciplined private school children (10-12 years) who were singled out as potential stars and consequently abused emotionally and physically until they broke down….your immature viewpoint needs no further comment.

Aussie Coach
9 years ago

Pretty poor comments from someone as respected as Cottrell.

I agree with being able to “train tough”, but in general, telling kids to toughen up or make them do punishments doesn’t work in society anymore, and rightfully so.

Verbally communicating one-on-one to a kid before practice, or pulling them aside during, and having a quick word like “c’mon mate I need more from you here, you have to push harder if you want to succeed”, goes a lot futher than yelling and screaming at them every set.

10 years ago

Bossanova, please note that here in Australia, Mr King’s actions are in direct breach of coaching guidelines administered by Swimming Australia. Additionally, Mr King was FORMALLY warned to desist his behaviour, however time and time again, he continued to practise this cruel, demeaning treatment towards some children. Regardless of what your country’s guidelines are, Mr King is in breach of our Country’s.

10 years ago

Where I come from, training like a dog is a good thing. We have “Junk yard dog attitude” written on the gym wall. Perhaps “dog” was the censor where a more offensive word meaning female dog was used?

Reply to  Bossanova
10 years ago

BOSSANOVA, are you 10-12 years old? That’s age of the kids we’re talking about, not elite pre adult or adult swimmers, but kids as young as 9 years old.

ask the coaches & staff
Reply to  Bossanova
10 years ago

Bossanova where you train is it o.k. for a coach to have sexual relations with their swimmers – like Mr King did at Penn?

10 years ago

Yes, exactly, Sonja, absolutely no question at all. JOSH you’re barking up the wrong tree there mate! BK had swimmers leaving in droves and at the same time swimmers were queuing up for her squad. Hear me roar…..don’t try and drag a good woman, professional coach, or MSC down because of Brian’s sorrid behaviour. These complaints are from ex-members of Miami, not current ones, and all against the emotional and verbal abuse by BK. JOSH, you’re upset and I understand why, because your illusion of BK is shattered. How hard for you. All those lies…wow!!!! May I suggest counselling rather than taking out your frustration on innocent people.

Blind to the Truth
10 years ago

Josh, once again you are so blind to the truth. It is one thing to try and defend your friend. But don’t try and pass of snide and false innuendo against another person to try and defend your friend’s conduct. Read the complaints about your friend from people from two clubs in Australia and also from his time in the US. It is a real worry. And more and more people keep coming forward. The complaints against your friend just keep stacking up!!!!

For the record, the person you are speaking about is “great” and “fantastic”. She has the respect of everyone at the club. That’s why she has been there is over 17 years. That’s why she has been… Read more »

10 years ago

Kids over the years at miami have been verbally and mentally abused and ashamed by one coach in particular over the years and you call her great!!!! I don’t think so.joint the dots.. She has done things that are 10 x worse than what BK ever has done!!!,,,why hasn’t she been told to go

Reply to  Josh
10 years ago

Josh, that is absolute rubbish once again. I hope, young man, you are not being fed this rot by your friend BK or by your parents because you never-ever trained with any other coach, so how would you know? It is worrisome in itself if this is the perspective you have, and abuse in itself, in my opinion. Do not drag down MSC or any other coach.

Reply to  Josh
10 years ago

I feel a six-pack coming on I’m laughing so hard! Josh, no other coach’s integrity, ethics, morals, or behaviour is questioned. Why? It’s not questionable.

Ask parents & staff
Reply to  Josh
10 years ago

Josh aka Brian & Gina Reinstone – deadset you are a goose! On all pool decks across Australia right now coaches are yelling, whistling and encouraging their flock. Do you recall Laurie Lawrence running with his arms waving down the pool encouraging his swimmers? There is a big difference between yelling words of encouragement to berating and humiliating them. No other coach at Miami – male or female has behaved in such an appalling manner as your friend.

ask the coaches & staff
Reply to  Braden Keith
10 years ago

Sorry Branden. More frustration than rage.

Reply to  Josh
10 years ago

Yes, exactly, Sonja, absolutely no question at all. JOSH you’re barking up the wrong tree there mate! BK had swimmers leaving in droves and at the same time swimmers were queuing up for her squad. Hear me roar…..don’t try and drag a good woman, professional coach, or MSC down because of Brian’s sorrid behaviour. These complaints are from ex-members of Miami, not current ones, and all against the emotional and verbal abuse by BK. JOSH, you’re upset and I understand why, because your illusion of BK is shattered. How hard for you. All those lies…wow!!!! May I suggest counselling rather than taking out your frustration on innocent people.

Not Precious
Reply to  Josh
10 years ago

That is a very unfair and innaccurate comment JOSH. When I think of this coach, the following comes to mind: 1. Leads by example. 2. Desires to help her swimmers succeed. 3. Knows her swimmer’s strengths and abilities. 4. Has POSITIVE experience. 5. Has a good reputation. 6. Is a continous learner. 7. Motivates her swimmers by settiing a good example. 8. Communicates hope and optimism. 9. Has integrity. 10. Has time and energy to devote to mentoring. And I could keep going and going!! I have nothing positive to say about my child’s experience with BK and that is disappointing. Get some help. Tell your mum I have a good counsellor for that. My son had to use him… Read more »

Reply to  Not Precious
10 years ago

Spot on not precious. I will add ** Her approach and attitudes adopted are FAIR and EQUITABLE towards ALL club members, and this is especially important, of course, when working with young and impressionable swimmers. Your comment(s) are disrespectful and untrue josh. I am not surprised, of course; small-minded people like you will throw rocks at those who shine.

Reply to  Josh
10 years ago

Josh, you are backed into a corner once again. Your mother was ‘very close’ to Brian so I understand why you want to stand up for him, however, I think the time has come to face reality that your friend has cheated you too. I know you don’t want to believe it, but very soon you will be facing the cold, hard facts on who your ‘friend’ really is. You are one of the lucky ones to have escaped his abuse. My advice to you young man is to stop slandering a very devoted, caring, encouraging woman in some sort of attempt to take the spot light off BK. It won’t work.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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