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Cal’s Matt Josa DQ’d in 100 Fly, His 2nd DQ of the Week


The collective excitement was placed on hold for a few minutes after the crowd at the IUPUI Natatorium witnessed the fastest two 100 fly swims ever, as it was immediately announced that results were unofficial.

After the officials had conferred, word came that, in fact, California junior Matthew Josa had drawn a DQ for a “non-simultaneous touch” on the turn.  That was, somewhat amazingly, the second disqualification for Josa this week, after his preliminary swim in the 200 IM was DQ’d for multiple dolphins kick on the breast leg.

As the results initially rolled up, Josa had appeared to finish 6th, with a time of 45.45.

A visibly upset Dave Durden could be seen discussing the disqualification with meet officials, but it didn’t look like the Cal coach’s protestations made any difference.

Josa is competing in his first NCAA Division I championships for the Bears after transferring from Queens University.  While the Bears probably won’t catch the Longhorns for 1st place, losing two A-final swims from Josa will still be a blow to the Bears’ team total, as Josa would have scored a minimum of 22 points, and probably more.

Through the 100 fly, Texas is up 281.5 to Cal’s 183.

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7 years ago

I’m all for fair play but when you watch the B final of the 100 breast and see the most OBVIOUS double dolphin kick on the underwater pull that I’ve ever seen from the George Washington swimmer in lane 4. It calls into question how subjective offiating can be.

bad or sick
7 years ago

Cal goes to great lengths to score points–even if that means breaking the rules.

Peter Davis
Reply to  bad or sick
7 years ago

Licon and Schwingenschloegl both blatantly cheated in the 100 breast final. It is clear as day on the video replay on espn3.

Peter Davis
7 years ago

Unfortunate that Josa gets called again, and despite video evidence, it doesn’t get overturned. Meanwhile, we have HD video evidence of Licon cheating clearly recorded for unlimited playback, taken underwater, focused solely on him, in slow motion. Officials = bad hombres, raping the integrity of this meet, though I’m sure some are good people.

Peter Davis
Reply to  Peter Davis
7 years ago

Can add Olson going about a yard past 15m leading off the 200mr for Bama. But no Josa, so no call. Crooked officials = lock them up

Peter Davis
Reply to  Peter Davis
7 years ago


Reply to  Peter Davis
7 years ago

Just watched the video a bunch of times. From the angle I see, his head breaks right at or before the red 15 yd bouy between lane 1 and 2. So a yard past …. Nope. Didn’t happen.

Peter Davis
Reply to  coach
7 years ago
Peter Davis
Reply to  coach
7 years ago,75jwA85,xNLNli6,ZkyNS4C

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he breaks out at 5.7 seconds. Clearly a good several feet past 15m. What lie coach?

Peter Davis
Reply to  Peter Davis
7 years ago


Peter Davis
Reply to  Peter Davis
7 years ago

Oh and this might help you:

Reply to  Peter Davis
7 years ago

It’s the furthest out bout of all 8 lanes which all swimmers are judged against. So u can’t use the photo shown to decide

Not a UT fan
Reply to  Peter Davis
7 years ago

Oslin has already taken a full stroke at this point. I don’t understand what you’re trying to prove here. And why hate on Alabama who already got cheated by a cheap DQ in the 400 medley?

Reply to  Peter Davis
7 years ago

The officials are almost exclusively unpaid volunteers of high integrity and love the sport. They can’t call what they don’t see and breast stroke pull out is a tough one.

7 years ago

People who choose Abstinence score more than he does.

Tom from Chicago
7 years ago

I must admit to doing doing both these things in practice. I wonder if Josa did too.

Big Wave Dave
Reply to  Tom from Chicago
7 years ago

DQ at trials, twice at NCAAs. I’ll bet he is a sloppy practice swimmer, and has been for a long time. Who was his club and Div 2 coach?

Practice makes perfect.

Reply to  Big Wave Dave
7 years ago

Also DQ at SCM Worlds in 100 IM for 15 m violation. He’s been DQ’d for three separate things: touches, 15 meters, and dolphins on breast. That pretty much covers it. I guess he could false start on some relays.

Winnie Pearl
Reply to  Bigly
7 years ago

He did that at World Juniors a couple of years on the 400 medley relay. I’d normally give the benefit of the doubt to the swimmer, but Josa has a nice history of being DQ’ed.

7 years ago

Normally I’d say let them swim, but multiple dolphin kick pullouts and improper touch turns are kind of inexcusable at this level.

Reply to  Fungus
7 years ago

That’s why he swam D2

7 years ago

It’s sorta nuts that they have called something on him twice. When was the last time someone who was (or almost was) a 2 time finalist DQ in both of his races

Reply to  PKWater
7 years ago

I know I am going to get a ton of comments saying that he deserved to get DQd but it’s still nuts. I wonder how many other people throughout the years have gotten away with both of the violations that he committed who have won championships on the collegiate level.

Reply to  PKWater
7 years ago

Quite a few (not just at NCAAs, but at major international competitions). Just watch an underwater camera shot of some of the best breaststrokers in the world. Helps most of the time they swim in the middle of the pool…

Reply to  PKWater
7 years ago

Watch Murphy’s 1:35 2back. Most of his turns have illegal kicks on his stomach going into the wall.


what was the illegal kick, rule says continues turn, does not say you cannot kick.

Reply to  Dan
7 years ago

I know what the rule says. After rewatching the race, he does appear to take kicks that are not part of the continuos turn. Basically after the swimmer has completed his pull, any kick is illegal. It’s kind of iffy, but he clearly the only one in the field pushing the limit of the “gliding” kicks.

Reply to  gobears
7 years ago

“I know what the rule says”

After the initiation of the turning action, no additional arm pulls may be started (sculling is not permitted); however, kicking and gliding actions are permitted.


This is one of the most swimming ignorant comment I have ever read on swimswam


Maybe you shouldn’t comment since you don’t know the rules

7 years ago

What did he go

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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