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Bowling Green Head Coach Arrested After Attempting to Ingest Marijuana to Hide it from Cops

Bowling Green State University head swimming and diving coach Matthew Ense was arrested Monday after cops found a marijuana edible in his car, then caught him attempting to ingest it to hide it from them, according to Ohio Highway Patrol (first reported by the Toledo Blade Tuesday)

Ense, 38, and his girlfriend were pulled over in a car on the side of the I-475 in Bowling Green, Ohio, and cops approached the car to see why they were stopped. They learned that Ense had thrown his girlfriend’s phone out the window while she was attempting to call 911. It’s unclear at this point why she was making the call.

Highway patrol searched the car, found the marijuana edible, and Ense was arrested. However, some time between being arrested and put into the police car, he attempted to ingest the edible.

“Prior to being placed in the car, the suspect attempted to ingest the contraband,” the police report states. “Only the amount of force necessary was used to stop the suspect from ingesting the contraband.”

He is being charged with tampering with evidence (third-degree felony), disrupting an emergency communication (fourth-degree felony), obstructing justice (misdemeanor), and a minor misdemeanor for possession of marijuana. He posted $10,000 bond Monday night from Lucas County jail.

Ense joined Bowling Green, a Division I program, as head coach three years ago. He was placed on administrative leave Tuesday after a reporter from the Blade inquired with the school about his arrest.

“Bowling Green State University has high expectations for its employees, at work, and in the community,” a university spokesman said in a statement to the Blade. “We were made aware today of the weekend arrest of Matthew Ense, head swimming and diving coach, and are reviewing the facts. Pending the outcome of our investigation, Coach Ense has been placed on administrative leave.”

Ense is scheduled to appear again in Sylvania Municipal Court on Friday. SwimSwam has reached out to the school for further information.

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B1G Daddy
6 years ago

Two words: Paul Mahar.

Less backstroke
6 years ago

Another Bowling Green massacre.

Reply to  Less backstroke
6 years ago

That was Kent state. Same conference. Wrong team.

Reply to  Snarky
6 years ago

He’s referring to what KellyAnne Conway said.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Never understood why Bowling Green’s colors are orange and brown

Reply to  aviatorfly
6 years ago

Or how their mascot is the falcon. The school name, the colors, and the mascot don’t seem to “go” together. Maybe he was using the weed to try and figure out the connection.

running start to touch backstroke flags
6 years ago

Unreal. Marijuana is still illegal. This is unfathomable as the greatest Olympian in history smoked weed during his best years in the pool. This coach should be selling weed to his swimmers so they don’t drink and die from alcohol poisoning… a much bigger danger that kills thousands annually and many more innocent deaths from violence and drunk driving.


Alcohol tears families apart often. Weed, I don’t know, haven’t heard of much. More of a slight irritation


well said , if only there was alcohol as unique other consumable danger – u got crack and Meths – thats even worse .

running start to touch backstroke flags
6 years ago

No, not according the the U.S. government, Marijuana is a class 1 drug as dangerous as meth, crack, PCP….. Although not a single person in history has OD’d from weed. Hmm. Some idiots have died doing stupid things while weed high, absolutely…. prolly at the same rate of sober idiots though and much less than alcohol for sure

6 years ago

Littering and………

Reply to  Farva
6 years ago

Smoking the reefer.

When I first read the article, all I could think about was Super Troopers.

Reply to  ArtVanDeLegh10
6 years ago

Right Meow.

Reply to  ArtVanDeLegh10
6 years ago

Or the Tommy Boy scene. Ro-ads. Ro-ads.

Who wants a mustache ride?
Reply to  Farva
6 years ago

I’m freaking out man!!

You are freaking out, man.

6 years ago

Edibles are gooooood.

6 years ago

Pot meets kettle? No need to hash this out, folks. Clearly this was a joint decision.

About Torrey Hart

Torrey Hart

Torrey is from Oakland, CA, and majored in media studies and American studies at Claremont McKenna College, where she swam distance freestyle for the Claremont-Mudd-Scripps team. Outside of SwimSwam, she has bylines at Sports Illustrated, Yahoo Sports, SB Nation, and The Student Life newspaper.

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