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Big Ten Officially Postpones Fall Sports, Could Play Football In The Spring

The Big Ten has become the first Power-5 conference to postpone all fall sports, with the possibility of competition in the spring semester.

Reports yesterday suggested the Big Ten was leaning towards postponing their fall sports – including football – amid the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. One report from radio host Dan Patrick even said Big Ten presidents had already voted 12-2 in favor of canceling the fall season. Though a Big Ten spokesman quickly denied that a vote had taken place, the conference did ultimately decide to scrap the fall season a day later.

“Our primary responsibility is to make the best possible decisions in the interest of our students, faculty and staff,” said the Big Ten Council’s Chair, Northwestern President Morton Schapiro. The Big Ten press release says the conference’s decision was “based on multiple factors” and relied on medical advice from the Big Ten Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases and the Big Ten Sports Medicine Committee.

The decision will end fall seasons for football along with men’s and women’s cross country, field hockey, men’s and women’s soccer, and women’s volleyball.

“The Big Ten Conference will continue to evaluate a number of playing options regarding these sports, including the possibility of competition in the spring,” the press release reads. “Decisions regarding winter and spring sports will also continue to be evaluated.”

Men’s & women’s swimming & diving are winter sports in the Big Ten. There’s no word yet on what the fall sport decision will mean for swimming programs, which typically start training and competing by September.

The Big Ten becomes the first of the Power-5 conferences to cancel or postpone its fall season. Reports yesterday indicated that the Pac-12 was also considering canceling or postponing its season, while the Big 12, ACC, and SEC appear to be moving forward with their seasons as scheduled.

Several other Division I schools and conferences have already made changes to football or to all fall sports. The FBS is the highest level of college football, made up of the Power-5 conferences, Group of Five conferences, and several independents. The Big Ten (Power-5), Mountain West (Group of Five), and Mid-American (Group of Five) conferences have already scrapped fall competition, along with two of seven independents (UConn and UMass).

That leaves the ACC, Big 12, Pac-12 and SEC in the Power-5, along with the AAC, C-USA and Sun Belt in the Group of Five. Notre Dame, BYU, New Mexico State, Liberty and Army West Point are the remaining independents still proceeding with football in the fall for the time being.

Here’s a list of the programs we’ve reported on so far:

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Not a Karen
4 years ago

Hate to state the obvious, so you are going to cancel college football, but how are you going to prevent all the other “collegiate behavior?” And yes, innuendo intended, there’s a more rolling around than just on the football field from the student population. But canceling football will definitely stop the virus 🙄

Not a Karen
Reply to  Not a Karen
4 years ago

Wait- U of Georgia has the answer!!

ct swim fan
Reply to  Not a Karen
4 years ago

No it will take responsible, non-politicized behavior from the majority of the country’s population to get the virus under control. Until that happens or there is a vaccine, the mess going on now will continue whether football is played or not.
Football is a casualty of the behavior of many selfish people who felt their own actions were more important than the greater good. You reap what you sow.

Reply to  ct swim fan
4 years ago

A different opinion from
The one we’ve been force fed. For your consideration

4 years ago

You have done your research and realized this is biased organization, right? Are you force feeding yourself biased information to confirm your personal views?

Reply to  Walter
4 years ago

Who is not biased Walter? Please answer me that.

I am well aware of both sides of this issue by now.

But if you can find me an unbiased source, I’ll gladly read it. Even fact checkers are biased. A good scientist actually recognizes their bias in any study they do.

At this point it’s a popularity contest and my only hope is that more and more people realize how untenable these current solution are.

4 years ago
So the AIER asks for…donations from the public? Like, they want everyone to give them money so they can do what they want? What a bunch of freeloading socialist what are they running a commune at that weird a$$ castle they are based out of? Jeeze what is their mandate? (Reads org bio). Oohhh I get it… s/

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Plenty of my favorite journalists use this model. I’m unclear on how this model is socialistic at all but to each their own.

Substack hosts lots of journalists like this as well. I like this guy:

Matt Taibbi is also good.

Yes, they have libertarian ideals. You don’t have to prescribe to all their ideals to enjoy some of their articles.

Always good to get a variety of viewpoints.

4 years ago

Odd counter example. Big difference in an individual (writers in your example) asking for donations/support/handouts vs. the American Institute of Economic Research who’s Randian mission statement is practically “pick yourself up by your own bootstraps you loser” then follows that with “we can only continue with donations from readers like you”. Sounds like they have a bad…economic model for their business? Maybe they need more research?
Totally aware I am feeding the troll here…just tired of this guy spamming every SwimSwam article. Aware I am shouting to the clouds just like him.

Not a Karen
Reply to  ct swim fan
4 years ago

Apparently in Connecticut, college students having sex is political. Good grief.

Reply to  Not a Karen
4 years ago

Karen got something on her mind.

Reply to  Not a Karen
4 years ago

It won’t stop the virus. It will stop athletics administrators from having to take responsibility for it if their athletes or coaches get sick.

I live in a college town, and our university is bringing some students back. Others are coming back even though they are 100% online this fall (I know three individuals for whom this is the case. If I know three, there are many, many, more.). I’m immune compromised and terrified of what the next few weeks will bring to my community.

4 years ago

The PAC has joined the Big Ten

Attention now shifts to Big XII whose presidents meet this evening. Unlike the B1G and the PAC (who were known to be leaning to towards no fall sports) and the SEC and ACC (who were inclined to give it a try) the XII has been sitting on the fence. If there is a domino effect, the Big XII is probably the lynchpin.

Reply to  frug
4 years ago

The cynical side of me says the higher ups in the College Administrations and NCAA have been handed a great opportunity to postpone or cancel CFB to stymie the growing student-athlete calls for an athletes union of sorts. By the time CFB rolls around next season, a majority of those guys will have moved on and the rest are not going to chance losing yet another season of their football careers by sitting out to protest.

Vanilla Gorilla
Reply to  Swimparent
4 years ago

good call, let’s kill the golden goose and lose billions of dollars. maybe the younger kids will forget next year

Irish Ringer
4 years ago

I wonder if Dan Patrick really had that scoop and it was a 12-2 vote?

4 years ago

If a sport is canceled, does the coaching staff still get paid? Understanding that postponement to Spring is different. What about at the high school level?

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Most NCAA coaches are paid via a contract, so it would depend on the terms of that contract – there’s no universal answer to that.

Many (most?) Big Ten head coaches in football, and probably in volleyball, have already, I assume ‘voluntarily’ taken pay cuts.

4 years ago

This is not good for Olympic sports at the collegiate level.

4 years ago

All college sports need to be club sports. #MicDrop

Reply to  UnpopularOpinion
4 years ago

So in addition to paying tuition and room & board, college swimmers need to pay for coaches, facilities, and travel?

Reply to  coach
4 years ago

Colleges often fund club sports, just not to the same extent as varsity sports. Colleges allocate money to “student activities,” and club sports are one thing that often falls under college sports.

Also, I hate to say it, but I do think schools need to raise the academic expectations for a lot of student-athletes, particularly at these top-tier D1 schools. Swimming is one of a few sports where the athletes generally do well academically for the most part, but this doesn’t seem to be the case for a lot of sports.

Reply to  UnpopularOpinion
4 years ago

Invest more resources ie: money…mentoring programs etc. in development leagues like NBA and send kids straight outta HS cause let’s be honest some kids have no interest in student part. Development Leagues can part with online or local based colleges if athletes are interested still while pursuing athletic dreams. Etc. Etc…

Ol’ Longhorn
4 years ago

“The Hoax” continues.

Reply to  Ol’ Longhorn
4 years ago

Willing to destroy our whole way of life … all to own trump. Good call Ol Longhorn, good call

4 years ago

Drama queen!

Reply to  PsychoDad
4 years ago

Come on Psycho, leave Longhorn alone already.

IU Swammer
4 years ago

Yep. It’s all a vast conspiracy to hurt your feelings.

Justin Thompson
Reply to  Ol’ Longhorn
4 years ago

If we are being snarky here….maybe the hoax was so convincing that the Big Ten cancelled their season? 🤯

Vanilla Gorilla
Reply to  Ol’ Longhorn
4 years ago

PAC 12 just postponed as well. The virus was a hoax at first, then will just go away with warm weather, then we have the cure, then a vaccine is dangerous, then a vaccine is too far out so just go on with life. To all the right wing trolls on this site, YOU OWN THIS. If you and your pals had just worn a mask and followed directions we would be back to normal like much of the world. Instead you post disinformation… mistaking this website for your 4chan echo chamber….or maybe you are just posting everywhere like the Qanon boards advocate. They are really run by the Russian Internet Research Agency of course, which is weakening the US… Read more »

Awsi Dooger
Reply to  Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

Exactly and devastatingly correct. Trump would be cruising to re-election right now, and we’d have fall college sports, if not for braindead right wingers. I laugh at them every day, on this site and elsewhere, because nothing else is warranted. They indeed parrot the simpleton talking points from shelf to shelf, somehow believing that since it makes sense to them then there must be a speck of validity.

This country had the surreal advantage of going last on coronavirus, not first. If you look at videos from around the world they are in disbelief at how we have handled this. Yet if you know even one right winger it was inevitable. That’s how butchered the thought process is. Let’s… Read more »

Reply to  Awsi Dooger
4 years ago

I mean, there’s also the lack of RCT or double blind studies showing that masks work, but “right wingers” don’t understand science. Glad to have you back Awsi. How’s the rest of the weather underground crew doing?

Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

Speaking of those of own the current situation, here we have the chief disinformation artist and budding epidemiologist of swimswam. This will devolve into a series of ridiculous claims citing from 3 doctors out of 10,000 who support his position. followed by refencing some guy on twitter with 73 followers. That is what trolls do, and this guy has clearly had some practice. Here is the CDC (Trumps CDC btw) position-

Here is Mayo Clinic (I am sure they are just a tool of the left tho) and their position –

Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

disinformation and distraction as usual

Reply to  Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

Did you provide an RCT or double blind study?

You didn’t.

Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

I’m not your errand boy, you would just find something else that is a distraction from expert opinion. This is another QAnon troll strategy. You guys don’t really care about the truth, just scoring points in the moment. How many sockpuppet accounts do you have on here btw?

Reply to  Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

You seem to know more about QAnon that the coach does.

Vanilla Gorilla
Reply to  CA_LAWYER
4 years ago

I know my enemy yes

Reply to  Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

Haha, enemy. You don’t even know the guy.

4 years ago

There’s also the fact that a meat packing plant is a more suitable environment for the virus to thrive in than a hospital because of the conditions in the plant.

Reply to  Awsi Dooger
4 years ago

The ol DOOGER has it all figured out fresh with material from the Democrat Underground and trolling over here in the swim forum. Stirring it up, laying blame, and arm chair quarterbacking all the while getting ready for tonight’s looting spree in Chicago. A true left winger in every sense of the word.

Justin Thompson
Reply to  Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

Gorilla, do you think all those no mask wearing protestors were right wing?

Vanilla Gorilla
Reply to  Justin Thompson
4 years ago

97.3%, is that better?

Corn Pop
Reply to  Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

In March 2 Russian companies indicted with sponsoring the ‘ IRA’ , Concord Consulting & Concord Management actually turned up in DC to contest the indictments . The DOJ was forced to drop all charges immediately. Ditto another Cyrpriot based Russian b u sinessman contested & again 0 charges.. The 2 Alpha Bank names in the Alpha Server drama cleverly sued in a British court against Christopher Steele. Now with this judgement they head to the US .

Obviously the US has long simmering issues , why not face them instead of’ some Russian ppl did somethings ‘ ? Or if you think Russians are so bad , ban them & send all those in the US home. Then… Read more »

Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

Cryptic, but very true. Too many conspiracy theorists around here bought in to Russia gate.

Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

Chief conspiracy theorist whinges about conspiracy theorists on here. LOL

Vanilla Gorilla
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

DOJ wasn’t forced to drop immediately but you knew that. The prosecutors weighed the benefits of securing a guilty verdict against the companies, which cannot be meaningfully punished in the United States, against the risk of exposing national security secrets in order to win in court.

Corn Pop
Reply to  Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

A corrupt judicial system & poltically weaponised prosecution proclaims an indictment yet collapses into’ No We Just Cant ” when the indicted turn up in court ? “OH we never expected these ppl to defend themselves, we just want to accuse & sanction them for a US election result we refuse to accept ‘.

Reply to  Vanilla Gorilla
4 years ago

2 months of lockdown should’ve been a wake-up call to the country, 150,000 deaths in 4 months should’ve been a wake-up call to all the doubters.

Reply to  Ol’ Longhorn
4 years ago

HISWIMCOACH – here’s a mask study for you. Let me come sneeze right in your face. Would you prefer:

A. I wore a mask
B. No mask

SMH. The ignorance of the right astounds me sometimes. Masks should be the least controversial thing throughout all this.

Reply to  Eouai
4 years ago

Because people sneeze in my face all the time.

Masks are security theatre. They do nothing to stop aerosol spread. Very little does. Not even social distancing stops aerosol spread. You should look at how the sunbelt spike timing was directly related to a rise in the heat and people being forced indoors (in the AC).

Good ventilation is the key. Outdoor spaces are key. Wearing a mask when you lift weights? That’s not stopping anything.

You’re acting like you have concensus when there is very little scientific consensus. There is groupthink amongst the public, I’ll grant you that.

4 years ago

You seem to think I’m claiming masks are a failsafe. That they’re “stopping” COVID spread. They’re not. But they do help to reduce it. At an extremely low cost and infringement on personal freedoms to boot!

But they absolutely and empirically have a measurable impact on reducing aerosolized droplets and the spread of COVID.

Other things help too like you mentioned – ventilation, social distancing,

And so do masks….

You know, being a free-thinker isn’t about being a contrarian and going against mainstream because it makes you feel special. Being a free-thinker is about having a willingness to change your views, when scientific evidence and data is presented.

Speaking of data…

172 studies were aggregated and evaluated, showing a… Read more »

Reply to  Eouai
4 years ago


4 years ago

“They do nothing to stop aerosol spread” – umm, what? I don’t need a double blind super fudge sundae study to know that statement is wrong.

4 years ago

This move will get a lot of hate but in the long game it could be better. Obviously fans probably wouldn’t be allowed if there had been a season in the first place. But, if we can get a vaccine in 4-5 months then it’s possible that fans could be at spring games, bringing more revenue than if they were played now.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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