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Articles by Gold Medal Mel Stewart

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USA Water Polo Fights for Gold at London Olympics

2012 London Olympic Water Polo Schedule 2012 London Olympic Water Polo Schedule  via FINA has the widest selection of Water…

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David Marsh Leads Five Swimmers To London

Cullen Jones is Coach Marsh’s standout star, swimming the 50, 100 & 4×100 free relay in London. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Ryan Lochte Photo Vault, 2010 to 2012

(Feature photo, US Presswire. Photo Vault Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Franklin’s Leader in London, Coach Schmitz

“The multi-year, multi-phase plan has helped Franklin gain superstar success in the pool.” (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Michael Phelps Photo Vault, 2010 to 2012

Phelps photos kickoff our new feature category, Photo Fishbowl. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Paralympians meet the Super-Humans

“Overcoming genetic odds and traumatic injuries to be super-human…”

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2nd Attack on Swimmers, This Time a Beaver

MAIL ONLINE: “Annabella Radnovich and her 11-year-old sister, Alyssa, were playing with their cousins at Lake Anna in Virginia’s Spotsylvania County when the 65 pound animal bit and scratched their legs.”


Colleges? If I’m Good Enough, They Will Come

“Don’t count on just completing an online questionnaire to put you solidly in the recruiting pool. College coaches are very busy these days…” (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Emergency crews called to SwimMAC after near drowning

“Firefighters and Medic responded to the Mecklenburg Aquatic Club pool Tuesday shortly before 4:30 p.m. in response to a drowning call.”


Olympic Trials to the Olympic Games Part II

“There are many swimmers that struggle to repeat their performance from the Olympic Trials at the Olympic Games and even fewer that exceed it.”


Otter Attacks Swimmer

“In the middle of the lake north of Duluth, the triathlete struggled as the animal sunk its needle-sharp teeth into her legs, feet and back, leaving 25 bite marks, some 2 inches deep.”


Josh Davis Honors His Mother & Swim Moms

Joan Marie Ashcraft Davis, mother of five-time Olympic medalist Josh Davis, passed away last night. Josh, a beloved swimmer and…

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Olympic Media Day Time Lapse

The US Olympic Team Training Camp in Knoxville, Tennesse hosted a media day. 1800 fans attended. More than 100 media,…

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VIP Olympic Camp Party, Exclusive Photos

Swimmers may be preparing for the biggest meet of the year, but they still have time for some fun in Knoxville.


SwimSpray at US Olympic Trials

SwimSpray’s “Shower With Me” T-shirts were a hit at Trials.

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