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An Olympics Without Drug Testing? Why the Enhanced Games Has Support of (Some) Swimmers

What if the Olympics occurred once a year, paid athletes directly based on their performance, and — here’s the kicker — required no drug testing at all?

The radical concept is the vision for the newly announced Enhanced Games, which has the support of several swimmers including Olympic gold medalist Roland Schoeman and three-time Olympian Brett Fraser on its Athletes Advisory Commission.

The Enhanced Games, which claims to be the first international sports competition to fully embrace performance enhancements, also features a Scientific and Ethical Advisory Commision that will host scientific symposiums alongside the annual event. The idea of a doped Olympics has been floated in hypothetical debates and comments sections for decades, but now it could actually become a reality.

“We believe that science is real and has an important place in supporting human flourishing,” said Aron D’Souza, president of the Enhanced Games, who led billionaire Peter Thiel’s litigation against Gawker Media involving wrestler Hulk Hogan. “There is no better way to highlight the centrality of science in our modern world than in elite sports. We all know that the use of performance enhancements in sports is an open secret. The safest way to level the playing field is to allow athletes to openly use science to achieve their full potential.”

Fraser also disputed the notion of a level playing field in the current Olympic model, pointing to special-use exemptions with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) or U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) as one around the system.

“I’m aware of athletes in the sport of swimming who have special-use exemptions with WADA, with USADA, that allow them to take medications or use therapies that not all athletes have access to, or not athletes are allowed to take either,” Fraser said.

The inaugural competition is slated for December of 2024, with five sports — athletics, swimming, gymnastics, combat sports, and weightlifting — that “can be delivered without specialized infrastructure at any Division I university campus,” according to D’Souza.

“We have specifically designed the selection of events so we can demolish the world records,” D’Souza said. “Who’s going to want to watch the old, boring, slow Olympics when all the world records were set at the Enhanced Games?”

What is currently excluded under WADA code, according to D’Souza, is purely arbitrary. He noted how marijuana is barred from use in international competitions because it goes against the spirit of the sport and is a performance-enhancing drug, despite increasing scientific consensus against the latter assertion. He also pointed to FDA-approved anti-aging treatments that could extend careers if they weren’t banned internationally.

“I truly believe that athletes are adults, who with free and informed consent, can make choices about their own body,” D’Souza said. “My body, my choice — your body, your choice. We have to respect that right for individuals and that freedom for them to make their own choice about their own bodies.”

Fraser, a two-time NCAA champion at Florida who made Olympic semifinals in 2008, 2012, and 2021 while representing the Cayman Islands, said it was discouraging to compete against athletes suspected of doping as a clean athlete himself. But he believes the Enhanced Games will give athletes more opportunities to create meaningful careers.

“I think we are solving so many problems, so many inefficiencies in the current model — especially for swimmers, but for the whole Olympic movement,” said Fraser, the Chief Athletes Officer for the Enhanced Games. “Swimmers dedicate their lives to training — they sacrifice their bodies, they sacrifice their time — in order to have about two minutes or less every four years at the Olympics. If you get sick, you miss your chance — you miss the opportunity of a lifetime. Creating an event that happens every year with more aligned financial incentives for athletes, mental health support, and access to doctors and scientists that can use medical therapies that are non-invasive to allow you increase your longevity, to allow you to perform better in training, to allow you to perform better in competition, to allow you to feel better.”

Four of the six members of the Athletes Advisory Commission are swimmers. Fraser and Schoeman are joined by Swiss Olympic swimmer David Karasek, former University of Arizona swimmer Luke Pechmann, Canadian Olympic bobsledder Christina Smith, and Drone Racing League founder Nicholas Horbaczewski. Schoeman served a one-year doping suspension in 2020 for a positive test in 2019, which he blamed on a tainted supplement but could not provide proof. In May, it was reported that Schoeman would swim at the 2023 World Championships at 43 years old.

“The reason why swimmers are attracted to this more than other athletes is the dedication, the time, and the lack of reward that swimmers get outside of the emotional benefit, the high you get, once you make an Olympic final,” Fraser said. “But to get to that place, you spend your entire life trying to get to that position. So there’s a really deep connection to the effort that was put in and to the compensation, whether it’s fiscal compensation or just being able to live comfortably and have a career after swimming. I think it’s because there’s a major misalignment between the amount of effort that swimmers put in and the reward after they succeed at the highest level. If you’re Michael Phelps, you can market yourself. But Michael won eight gold medals — I don’t think we’ll see that again in our lifetimes.”

D’Souza called out the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for not paying athletes fairly for their labor and said the Enhanced Games aims to adopt a co-ownership model with its athletes. He added that his venture won’t rely on taxpayers to help foot the bill for competitions, citing debts created by recent Olympics in Montreal, Athens, and Rio. D’Souza claimed the Olympics has wastefully spent $100 billion over the past two decades, mostly on infrastructure that doesn’t last.

“The Olympics are quite a perplexing system,” D’Souza said. “You have $8 billion in revenue that comes in every four years. Thomas Bach, the IOC president, flies around the world in a private jet, he acts like a head of state, he literally lives in a palace paid for by the IOC. Yet the athletes of the world don’t get paid a single cent. What was most disappointing about this process was talking to hundreds of athletes and learning the impoverished financial conditions that they are in whilst members of the IOC live in absolute excess. It’s unequal to the point of being exploitative.”

The organization’s website even includes a section titled “7 Tips on How to Come Out as Enhanced.” But “natural” athletes who don’t take any performance enhancers will also be welcome at the Enhanced Games.

“I sincerely hope that a natural athlete will show up and say, ‘I’m still WADA-compliant, I’m going to beat all of you enhanced athletes,’” D’Souza said. “I’m not sure that will actually happen, but there might be someone who won the genetic lottery… Genetic lottery has no reflection upon one’s effort or hard work. So enhancements and science can help us overcome that.”

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1 year ago

I agree with what they say about Olympic revenue and Thomas Bach living in a palace while the IOC doesn’t share anything with athletes. The doping games though, no thanks.

1 year ago

Everyone point and laugh

SwimSwam Commenter
1 year ago

I say this very delicately. I think Roland needs to be evaluated mentally. Something is off. Roland, just ask for help and the world can be a sympathetic place.

I think the drug use has influenced Roland’s thinking.

Reply to  Braden Keith
1 year ago

Thank you! I get so tired of people that are just negative!

Reply to  SwimSwam Commenter
1 year ago

I think you’re being a bully! Grow up!

1 year ago

This is about the craziest thing I’ve ever read about swimming competitions. What’s next? What a insanely terrible idea. I could go on and on, but choose not to.

1 year ago

Is this April Fools?

SwimSwam Commenter
1 year ago

Roland should be banned from swimming. He is a cheater! He got caught doping! Roland is a steroid user.

My four year old son Chris swims in the Phoenix area. I will do everything in my power to keep Chris out of the presence of Roland at swim meets. Keep the drugs away!

1 year ago

I’m scared and afraid by this Dr Souza. And his scientist speech. He’s talking nonsense for me. It’s an open door to… I don’t know what but nothing good. Let athletes take drugs, smoke Marijuana, wear ultra supersuits, dope themselves.(I’m joking, humor.). What does thys guy want.? Circus games like in antique Rome. Ok you’ll get plenty of World Records. Great 😠. A men’s 100 free in 40 seconds And what next? A graft of a shark wing. on your back to swim faster? This is no sport. The beauty of Olympic Games is its rarity. You have to wait four years to win the Holy Grail. That is the principle and the value of a gold medal.
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1 year ago

This is a joke right? Or a provocation? I could not be less interested in such a set up. It would dangerously exploit athletes’ desperation to win, encouraging them to take terrible risks and abuse their bodies. It wouldn’t level any playing fields- just those athletes who were rich enough to have access to the science and the drugs would ‘benefit’. The ‘world records’ would not be interesting.

And there are still rules here, so athletes would try and push the new boundaries in order to get the edge. They’d all be having the banned ‘invasive’ treatments.

Can you imagine the roid rage?? Think about the East German women- and the whole range of health/ fertility problems they… Read more »

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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