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World’s 1st Shark Repelling Wetsuit (Warning: Dramatic Footage)

Open water athletes, surfers and recreational swimmers with a fear of being eaten have a new line of defense against their fears, a new shark deterent technology for wetsuits (and/or swimsuits, surfboards, kayaks, etc.). See release below.

Courtesy of SAMS:

Shark Attack Mitigation Systems (SAMS) has released new shark deterrent design technology that is applied to wetsuits to reduce the chance of shark attack. The patented designs can also be applied to stickers for surfboards, dive tanks, kayaks and other watersport products.

In recent years, there has been mounting global concern about the increased number of shark sightings and fatalities. Western Australia is now recognised as the world’s deadliest location for sharks – with 5 fatal attacks over the last two years.

In response to an increasing problem, Shark Attack Mitigation Systems collaborated with the Oceans Institute at the University of Western Australia to find a practical solution for shark protection.

The Oceans Institute team headed by Professor Shaun Collin and Professor Nathan Hart has been studying shark vision for a number of years and is considered the world leading authority in the field. The team has made a number of significant scientific discoveries relating to shark sensory systems – including the fact that sharks see in black and white.

Although sharks use a number of senses to locate prey, it is known that vision is the crucial sense in the final stage of an attack. By disrupting a shark’s visual perception, an attack can either be diverted altogether or at least delayed to allow time to exit the water.

SAMS has been working with the university for a number years and has translated the scientific data into a range of shark deterrent designs.

The two design variations either present the wearer as potentially dangerous and unpalatable to a shark, or make it very difficult for the shark to see the wearer in the water.

The shark deterrent technology can be applied to products such as wetsuits, skins and stickers for diving air tanks, surfboards, kayaks, skis and more.

Radiator is the first company licensed to incorporate SAMS Technology into wetsuits and surfboard stickers, while other established brands are expected to follow suit soon.

A range of questions relating to the new technology are covered in the FAQs.


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Monty Rister
6 years ago

I have the ultimate shark suit ideal that would repel any animal on earth;looking for the right people to engineer it,haven’t gotten a patient as of this time;but I know it is fool proof and would work;just don’t know the logistics o getting it off the ground,it would save countless lives. My email [email protected].

Jack Canosa
10 years ago

I am interested in purchasing a Shark Repelling Wetsuit. Where might I find one? Nick

11 years ago

These suits are not so much a repellent as they are a type of camouflage.

I’ve done 5k open water swims and gone scuba diving with bull sharks without a cage. They aren’t really after a meal as they are just plain curious. And since they don’t have hands, they have to use their mouths to see what you are. Granted, doing that means fatal consequences more often than not but humans really aren’t on their menu.

I’m interested to see if this works.

11 years ago

good story but inaccurate. the first shark deterring wetsuit debuted from America on ABC TV this past February

Reply to  Gandhi Warhol
11 years ago

Gandhi Warhol…thanks for the video comment… (I actually fear open water swimming. I’m a fishbowl swimmer, but I love the ocean. So, glad this tech is out there being developed.)

11 years ago

I think a lot of the Open Water swimmers would be clamoring for jellyfish repellant suits too.

11 years ago

LOL, They’ve been working on shark deterrents and repellents since the 1930’s with little or no result. The only effective method ever devised is a bang stick used by divers. I’d like to see this scientific research showing sharks only see in black and white, because they thought the same thing about dogs, until low and behold last month they’ve figured out dogs see in color too!

Painting a picture of gaping shark jaws on the bottom of your surfboard may work better than this.

About Gold Medal Mel Stewart

Gold Medal Mel Stewart

MEL STEWART Jr., aka Gold Medal Mel, won three Olympic medals at the 1992 Olympic Games. Mel's best event was the 200 butterfly. He is a former World, American, and NCAA Record holder in the 200 butterfly. As a writer/producer and sports columnist, Mel has contributed to Yahoo Sports, Universal Sports, …

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